✄27 ✄ The Last Member

554 24 20

"What the hell Aaron..." I mumbled putting a hand on my head.

He scared at me in shock and I grabbed a blanket off the couch. I quickly covered myself up and he stared in shock.

"I'm so sorry..." He mumbled staring at me.

"Its fine..." I replied looking down at the ground.

"What happened??" He asked rather confused.

"Thats what I should be asking you." I replied looking up at him in sadness.

He blinked a few times and then looked at his hands.

"I remember now..." He mumbled.

"What did she do to you??" I asked in anger.

"I'm not sure but somehow she kept me alive when I was in the electric chair..." He mumbled rubbing the back of his head.

"We need to find Melissa." He yelled out.

"Woah, Woah, calm down shes gone-"

"You didn't did you..?" He asked.

"No no! Derek kidnapped her!" I shouted out.

Aaron looked at me in shock and I nodded my head to the side.

"Yea I couldn't believe it either some messed up shit." I mumbled well rolling his eyes.

"Do you know exactly what she did to you?" I asked suspiciously raising an eyebrow.

Aaron took a seat beside me and put a hand on his head. He bit down on his lip closing his eyes as he thought.

Something obviously happened the question is what? As we both sat lost in our thoughts a small ringing noise rang throughout the house and I turned over to look at Aaron. His eyes were open and he looked confused.

"Is that the phone...?" I asked cautiously.

He nodded his head and I got up off the couch with the blanket still wrapped around me. I walked over to the phone near the stairs and picking it up I put it next to my ear.


"If you want him to live bring him to my company." It was a female voice.

They were stuttering over the phone and I felt a shiver go down my spine just hearing it.

"Who is this." I mumbled.

"Mrs. Lycan."

My eyes widened and I shakingly held onto the phone.

"So Dereks co-"

"ITS NOT DEREKS ITS MINE!" She yelled into the phone.

"Okay...?" I replied confused.

"You have 10 minutes." After that she hung up and I placed the phone back on the receiver.

I turned back to look at Aaron and he walked over to me.

"Mrs. Lycan wants to see us..." I mumbled softly.

"M-My mom..." He mumbled.

I nodded my head and he began to shake. His hands began shaking intensely and his lip began to quiver.

"Get dressed lets g-go.."

He turned away from me and I backed up a bit.

Why was he so nervous about seeing his mother?

I hurried up the stairs again and made my way into Melissas room. Opening up her closet I grabbed a pair of clothes and slipped them on.

I dashed out of her room leaving the blanket behind and ran downstairs to find Aaron already gone. I pushed open the front door and Aaron was in a car trying to start it up. Tripping down the steps I opened up the side door and hopped in.

"Lets go." I said as he got the engine started.

He backed out of the driveway and began to speed down the street. I let out a long sigh and looked over at Aaron.

Something about his eyes showed a lot of anger.


We stopped in front of the building to the Lycan Company and got out of the car. Aaron stayed behind me as we walked up to the front doors. Opening them up I peeked inside. The place was completely empty not a person in sight.

I grabbed a hold of Aarons arm and we pushed further inside. I walked over to the elevator making sure to watch all the cameras from the corner of my eyes as we did. I could see them moving around as we walked focused on us.

Once inside the elevator I clicked on the floor to where Dereks office was and it closed. Aaron stayed quite I figured she'd be waiting in his office since she seemed to be really set off when I called it Dereks company.

The elevator dinged and opened up. Walking out we quickly headed to Dereks office. It wasn't too far away but when we approached the door a heavy breathing could be heard from inside. Taking out a lighter from my pocket I held onto it and turned the door knob. The door open and I put on the best straight face I could muster. I dropped the hand with the lighter to my side and walked into the room.

In a desk sat a lady. She had her hands placed on the desk folded up well she sat with her legs crossed.

"Take a seat." She said pointing at the chair.

I walked over to the chair in front of the desk and sat down. I turned to look at Aaron and he stood at the door as shy as a puppy dog.

"Aaron come sit down." I mumbled.

He shock his head and I heard her laugh.

"He doesn't deserve to sit. Aaron sit on the floor!" She called out.

I watched Aaron sat down on the floor and stared at the ground. I swung my head over to look at her and she shrugged her shoulders.

"What in hells wrong with you crazy bitch?"

Aarmau AU ⌑❐Sessions❐⌑Where stories live. Discover now