✄28 ✄ Final Battle

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"Excuse me?" She asked.

I slammed my hands onto her desk and she raised her eyebrows.

"Is there a problem?" She asked folding her hands on the desk.

"Why are you treating Aaron like a dog?" I asked disgusted.

"Because he's nothing more than a dog." She replied calmly.

I got up off of the chair and turned to look at Aaron. He sat on the floor staring down sadly.

"You have a really messed up family." I laughed.

Aarons eyes flashed another colour and he got up off the ground.

"Did you call Melissa messed up?" He asked coldly.

I stared back at him in confusion and began to back up a bit.

"Whats wrong with him?" I asked turning to his mother.

"Its was Melissa." She replied shrugging her shoulders.

"Fix him." I growled.

"Why should I?" She asked.

"Because he's your son!" I yelled out.

She shrugged her shoulders again and I walked over to the other side of her desk. I kicked her in the stomach and she hit the side of the wall. She gasped for air and looked up at me. 

"Please try to understand I rather have my son under control then not." She said getting up off her chair.

I looked out of the corner of my eye and Aaron was getting closer. His eyes were the same colour as the time we were inside of the house.

"Do you really want Melissa to have control?" I asked.

She put a hand on her face and looked up at the ceiling.

"No." She replied.

"Then cancel the drugs he is on." I said smirking.

"No." I growled annoyed and pounced at her.

She kept her composure and I pushed her onto the ground.

"Ill kill you."

"Do you really want Aaron to lose all of his family?" She asked trying to push me away from her.

I grabbed onto her wrists harder and then smiled,

"Oh don't worry I'll give him a new family." She bit down onto her lip and I reached into my pocket.

"Aaron." She called out.

I looked over at Aaron and he stopped in the spot.

"Now now Melissa may have saved him but who do you think helped her get into the place." I stared at her in rage and she laughed.

"Hes already under my control drugs or not." She replied.

I turned to look at Aaron and she spoke,

"She promised to make my voice affective in the drugs as long as she could have Derek and of course I accepted." She giggled and Aaron grabbed onto my wrist.

"Remove her and burn her outside in the back." She said waving at the door.

I looked up at Aaron and he began to drag me towards the door. I struggled to get out of his grip and he grabbed onto the door handle. I kicked him in the stomach and then stabbed my nails into him. He glared down at me and shock me off.

Damnit he still doesn't feel pain.

I looked at both of them and she sighed as Aaron began to walk back over to me. I looked around the room for an object and began to grab stuff off her desk. I threw the objects at her and she dodged them rolling her eyes.

I growled annoyed and flipped her desk.

"JUST DIE ALREADY DAMNIT!" I began to throw anything I could find and she hid behind her flipped desk.

I threw a few things at Aaron causing him to flinch.

He ran at me and pushed me down onto the ground. I screamed out in pain and began to claw at his eyes. They began to fill up with tears but he held me down.

"LET ME GO!" I shouted.

I struggled even more beneath him and his mother walked over to us.

"Don't kill her yet." She replied bending down to my level.

"I will give you one chance." She said putting her hand through my hair.

"Just walk away from all of this and thats it." She said softly.

I stared up at her with starry eyes and then stared back down at the ground.

"F-Fine..." I said taking in a deep breath.

Aaron got up off of me and I got up off the ground. I turned away from them both and began to walk out of the door. They both followed behind me and we all went into the elevator.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened as we arrived on the first floor. I began to walk forward they still followed behind me. I stopped in front of the exit and turned back to look at them.


I turned back to look at the doors and took a lighter out from my pocket. I held up the lighter in my hands and I heard his mother gasp.

"Remove her." I was pushed out of the doors by Aaron and he landed on top of me.

I kicked him in the balls and pushed him off of me. My clothes began to burn as the fire had hit me a bit and I chucked the lighter into the building.

The building began to go up in flames and I watched as Aarons mother stood there in complete shock. She looked at us one last time and then a calm expression took over her face.

"He'll never be yours."

Those were the last words she said before the flames over took her. A hand gripped onto my leg and I was brought down with a hard force.

I looked beside me and Aaron got on top of me glaring down with cold eyes.

Although I had gotten him back things would never be the same. He brought his fist up and as I was hit in the face the darkness consumed me.

It was finally just the two of us...


So uh the end ;-; Ik ik its over and no most likely won't be a book two I haven't been feeling it lately with writing so I needa take a bit to get that passion back anyways it doneee.

Aarmau AU ⌑❐Sessions❐⌑Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang