Chapter 1

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Ross now was set out for his most dangerous mission yet. First he needs to find the girl and bring her to saftey. Then look for the power of this girl.He sets out but first what's a mission without weapons right??He heads towards his mansion and enters his secret facility."Access Granted" his security system says.So many to choose from.Well he can't carry heavy ones,so average weapons are neccessary.He grabs some pistols and bullets and some shot guns.He exits the facility.He now contacts an agent.
"Hey it's me again ", he says.
"What do you need now??" a voice asks on the other line.
"I need a house that I can stay in for 6-7 months exactly."
"Okay, where do you need it to be??" He sighs then answers.
"L.A".  He replies."I also need you to enter me into Marino High School."
"Okay done and get out to L.A and I'll see you first thing tomrrow morning."He thanks him then hangs up.He then goes to his closet to pack. He pulls out his guitar and stares at it."I miss you guys." He continues packing.Well L.A here I come.
"Welcome to Los Angeles" his friend welcomes him.
"Hey can I by any chance see my family I have a lot of explaining to do."
"Sorry it's out of my hands so I would talk to Agent Robert for that authority." He sighs.
"Okay let's go. I want this mission over as soon as possible." His friend chuckles."Alright let's go." They head to the house.
"Wow". Ross says in amazement.
"You like it??" he asks.Ross nods his head."Yes.Anyway did you find where she lives?"
"Yes, actually she lives in the house next door.Please don't blow this.The poor girl doesn't even know yet.She will soon so right now you need to help her because she is being bullied.Since she goes to the same school, please help her.She needs to be strong enough gor when the time comes." "I understand.If I was to fail then agent wouldn't have sent me here." Soon they look around and unpack.His friend leaves.Ross thinks of stuff to do but something catches his eye.He walks towards the window to see a girl being pushed around by a group of guys and girls.He looks and notices it's the girl from the girl from the picture.He runs out.
"Hey!" he calls out and they all turn around.He walks towards them.He looks at the girl on the ground shaking and teary eyed.He looks at the group.
"Are you here to help us??" one blonde headed girl asks as she giggles."Whatever this loser gets, she deserves it!!" a brown headed guy says. "Leave her alone"Ross demands. They all look at him and start laughing."Are you going to make us??" the red head girl smirks."Yes, Yes I am. Before things get ugly wait, I mean ugly-ier, I suggest you walk away and leave her alone." They laugh and one guy swings a punch at him.He catches it. "You shouldn't have done that!" Ross flips him onto his back.He then punches the other guy in the face."You shouldn't put your hands on a girl" he states.The girls look at him then run off."You guys want more or will you join your little girlfriend." The guys get up and glare at Ross."This isn't over!!" with that they walk off.

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