Chapter 18

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Laura woke up before Ross did. She got up and felt uncomfortable so she wore one of his button-up shirts. Considering she was so small, it was huge on her. She walked into the kitchen and made them breakfast. Soon Ross woke up for work. He is scheduled to work until 11㏘ Laura was bummed she couldn't see him at all. He said he try to make it for lunch. If not, then dinner. He walked in the kitchen to see Laura in his shirt. "Why are you wearing my shirt?" He asks her. "I was uncomfortable and then I saw your shirt and now I'm a brand new person." She tells him. He chuckles. "It's so big on you!" He laughs out.She pouts. He wraps his arms around her waist from behind and kisses her head. "It's what makes you even cuter!!" He whispers in her ear. This spent chills down her spine. She turned around to look at him."I made you breakfast." She says and reaches for the plate of food. Shen hands it to him.He grabs it and eats along with her.

"Okay so I have 20 minutes left before I leave. What would you like to do before I leave?" Ross asks her. She walks up to him and wraps her arms around his neck. He wraps his around her waist and pulls her close. "I think you know..." She smiles in a flirty way. He gets it and leans in. She leans in also allowing their lips to touch. She quickly deepens it. He chuckles but kisses back. His phone buzzes and he pulls away. She pouts. "Urgent! Need you to be here in 10 minutes." He groans. "Well I got to go. Stay safe." He says and pecks her while walking out the door. She's all by herself once again. She takes a shower and gets dressed. She wears something simple like her night gown. She didn't bother with make-up and put on a robe. She slipped on her slippers and sat at the couch. She relaxed. It's only a matter of time before she can't anymore. In about after 5 hours, "Incoming call" The phone rings. She looks at the screen. "Call accepted." A smiling Ross appears on the screen. She jumps up in joy. "Hey baby!" He greets her. "Hey Rossy! I miss you." She tells him. "You look tired. Go back to sleep." He tells her. "No. I wanna cuddle with you. I only feel safe when you're around." She smiles. He smiles back. "I wish I can be there with you. I won't be back til late tonight. Head to bed without me." He tells her. She smile drops. "Your not coming home to our plans?" She frowns. She just wanted to have him with her at all times because she has that gut feeling. "I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you this weekend. I only have to work til 3㏘ tomrrow. We'll be together the rest of the day." He says trying to cheer her up. She smiles. "Okay.Dinner won't be the same without you." She tells him. "Sorry I can't make it. I have to head back now." He frowns. "I love you. I'll see you in the morning before you leave." She smiles. "I love you too." She then end the call. That nerve ending feeling still remained. She felt sick.She ran to the bathroom. She felt like throwing up but nothing. She walked out of the room. She suddenly felt dizzy. She fell on the cold hard ground. There she laid unconsious.


Poor Laura! I wonder what's wrong.


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