Chapter 14

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"Ross!!!!! What did you do to him?" Laura shouts. He just smirks. "It's what you did!!!" He tells her. She shakes her head. "Come on Laura!! You can end all of this if you just walk through those doors.You can end all your suffering. You can end his suffering." He tries to convince her. She stands there and screams, causing everything to crumble beside her. She leaves Ross alone on the side. "I was doing everything for you and I'm the one that hurt you most. I hate myself. Please be okay!!" She then starts walking toward the doors. "Laur……" Ross starts to wake up. "Oh not this!! Run and make sure she does not get to him." He orders. "No!!!" She shouts causing a quake.She stops her foot making everything underneath crumble. "Ross!!" She runs towards him. She picks his head up. He groans in pain. "I'm draining my power." "What!?!" He asks. "I love you and if having powers means hurting you then I don't want power." She explains. "Laur… he's gonna use them for evil. Don't do that!!" He explains. He then gets up and walks toward him. "You can do what ever you want just don't touch her." Ross tells him. He laughs evilly and holds a gun to his head. "Nooooo!!" Laura shouts and moves closer to them. "Ah ah! One more step and I'll kill him." She stops in her tracks. She then hears a gun shot.She closes her eyes.
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