Chapter 24

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From that moment on it was time. Time is the only thing keeping this from happening. Ross knew it was coming and Laura knew also. She didn't tell Ross that the dangerous plan she had was to get caught. She did it because she loved him and wanted him to be happy. She decided she would give up her powers so they can be happy. What she also knew exactly why The guy wanted her powers so badly. He wanted it so he can torture her. It wasn't just for world domination. There's nothing more hurtful to Laura than hurting Ross. "Ugh!" She groans. She was tied to a machine. "You will never , I mean never have this!!" She shouts. They take a necklace she recently got from Ross. She looks up and her eyes glow remembering the moment.

"I'll always protect you. I love you. Wear this. This will always, remind you of me. " He whispers. "I love you too." She says accepting the necklace.  She then kisses him. He kisses back. She smiles as her eyes return to normal.

"Too bad that moment only lasted a……moment" He smirks. "I told Lynch, to meet his biggest rival yet. Boy do you love him. You called us before you went to love him even more. You shouldn't have done that." He grins. She tries to attack him but she is hekd back. She has been here for 15 days now. She is slowly growing weak. She was staying strong for Ross. "He'll find me!!" She shouts. "Oh yeah? How come he hasn't for the past 15 days huh?" He asks while smirking. "You shouldn't do that!! He will find me and all of you, I'll grind you to dust!!" She shouts. Laura then felt a sharp pain in her stomach. "Ugh!" She tried to clutch it. Since shewas tied she couldn't. He comes close to her. "I told you, you shouldn't have loved him that much. You caused this on yourself. Well now either calm down or you will hurt him most when comes and finds out you killed his child." He smirks. His child? Wait was she pregnant? She can't be or can she?  His smirk grows wider as he silenced her. She can't do that to him and she won't.


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