Chapter 26

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"You don't have much time!" His friend tells him. "I know. It's been 15 days and still no trace. I have a lead though!!" He gets up and pin points the location. A screen pops up. "I see you finally found us!!" He smirks. "Wow, I almost didn't recognise you with the brown hair". He laughs. "Where's my Laura?" He asks. "Oh you mean the Laura that is crying because she thinks your dead?" He grins. "What!?" He asks. "You didn't think were stupid did you? Laura will now hand over her power without hesitation. She knows without you.…… I guess she'll give anything up.  She just won't give up that precious little angel of yours." He smirks. Ross was confused. "Don't worry, once I strip her of her power, I'll take her out of her misery. She won't have that brat you guys created." He smirks. "I know your smart but how smart are you? You should've given up Laura when you first met her. Look at all the trouble she caused you!!" He sighs. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." He winks and shuts off his screen. Ross grits his teeth. "I got it!!" His friend shouts, showing Ross their location. "Let's go. I have unfinshed business."

"Will you stop crying!!!?" Simone shouts at her. "No! They didn't kill your boyfriend!!" Laura whines. Simone sighs. "Look, Ross or whatever his name is, he's alive." She tells her. "What?" She asks with her broken voice. "That was a decoy, he's not dead. He's alive. Now shut the hell up before I kill him myself." Wait if Ross is alive and that was a decoy, then where is Ross? Laura thought. She then heard the intercom. "System corrupted!!" It called out. A black car pulled up outside. Laura wiped her tears. 3 men walked in. One was eyeing her. She looked away uncomfortable. He winks and smiles. She knew that smile. No way! She thought.

"Glad to have you join me" he greets them."Yes I hear this is a great sacrafice. Are you sure this is safe?" one guy asks. "Yes. I need you to watch out for Agent Lynch though. He should be here, right about now. I hope you guys understand how important this is to us." They all nod. "Sir, may I ask you a question?" A guy asks. "You just did but go ahead." He allows. "What is your name?" He asks. "My name is Devon Taylor. I have no history. But keep this from the FBI and thoses P.I and those agents will ya?. They nod. "Great now hands behind your head!!" He demands. He chuckles. "Why should I?" He asks. One guy gets up and tasers him. They then handcuff him. He looks at his face. "You don't mess with Laura." He then punches him causing him to be out cold. He puts the gun to his head and they make their way out the door with him.

"We'll clear the premasince." They say and leave Ross there. He grabs the guy and puts him in the car. "Drive him to station 4 for questioning." He instructs the driver. He nods and drives off. Ross then head back into the building. "Not this time. I'll end this for sure."


Sorry if it's short.:(

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