Chapter 23

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As soon as she checked the premisance, she made a run for it. She found no one in sight, so took her chance. She then seen the label: Lynch. She walked in the room. She then seen papers everywhere and him at his desk, passed out. There was a knock at the door. She hid behind the closet door near. Ross jolted awake. "Enter", he called out. His superior enter. "Hey, how are those files coming along?" He asks. "Great sir." He responds. "Ross…" he trails off. "Yes?" He asks. "I hear your with your client", he starts. Ross straightens up. "Yes, I am. Is there a problem sir?" He asks. "You know we have a strict policy about dating your clients. Laura is a sweet girl but I can't lose one of my best agents. Therefore…I want you to break up with her. Tell her you need to keep a professional relationship only." With that he starts to leave. "If I don't?" Ross asks. "Then I'll do it for you, except I won't be nice about it." He then walks out. Laura couldn't believe it. She was broken. He's forcing Ross to breakup with her. She didn't want a profess relarionship. She wanted what she had now. She looked at Ross who was looking down with his hands through his hair. She raised her hand and locked the door. She shut the blinds and came out of the closet.Ross looked up. "Laura!!" He shouts and runs over. "Ssshh…" she whispers and puts a finger to his lips. "There's som-"  She cuts him off. She waited way too long for this. She pulled him closer to her. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "Sssshhh…" She tells him once again. He wraps his arms around her waist. They were smushed together at this point. She teased him a bit. "Just kiss me already!" He tells her. She giggles and kisses him. He kisses back. She just wanted a moment like this and just be with him. They followed and soon they were on his couch bed. She loved his scent. If she can't have him anymore,then she should enjoy this moment. "Why?" He whispers as he pulls away.She puts her head on his chest. "If I can't be with you, I mind as well make something out of the time we have left." She tells him. "I meant in the workplace." He whispers. "Who cares? No one was here. I made sure." She says. He sighs. She tangles their legs together. "I love you. I won't let anything happen to you. I'm yours and you are mine. Don't let that---- I mean man, take that away from us. I would do anything and I mean anthing!!" She tells him determined. He nods and rests his chin on her head. "I love you too. I can't let you do that for me. I'm here to protect you not you protect me." He reminds her. She lifts her head and looks at him. "I won't follow that motto. We protect each other. We love each other and now we have to keep a professional relationship, meaning we can't have what we have now." She says stern. "I know. I won't let them tear us apart." Ross tells her. She runs her fingers in his hair. So soft, she thought. "As long as were together, I'm good." She says then smashes their lips together. Of course he kisses back. They took their chance.

"I'll meet you in the car." Ross tells her.She looks around then makes a run for it. Ross was left fighting 6 other goons. He dropkicks 2 and knockout punches another 2. He cracks his neck as he sees the 4 guys behind him. He turns to face them. "Give us your precious Laura!!" One of them shouts. "No!!" Ross shouts. They then pull out guns. "Give us Laura or we shoot you?" They threaten. Ross chuckles. "Just shoot me. If you want Laura, over my dead body!!" He runs towards them then kicks them. They fight back but Ross over powers them. He grabs the main guy and holds a gun to his head. "Tell me where your leader is or I blow your brain!!" Ross threatens. "Go ahead kill me. I never liked the boss anyway." He spits. "If you didn't then why would you keep his location a secret?" He asks. He was about to answer when 20 guys had Laura. "Ross!" She shouts. "Laura!!" He says pulling the guy with him. "You release her or I kill him infront of you. I want the location of the boss of yours." Ross says holding the gun tighter to their boss. "Too late!" They shout and throw down a stink bomb and disappear. No! No!! He shoots the guy. No! I'm coming. "Hold on Laur…" Ross says. "Need any help?" A voice asks. Ross looks up.





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