Chapter 7

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3 months later and their relationship is growing strong. Laura feels caged but Ross knows it's what's best for her. When it comes to going out, they walk hand in hand so people would think their a couple. Ross has these feelings he can't explain. Laura knows but gets mad when he doesn't want to talk to her. There are advantages and disadvantages of having powers. She wants to read minds but she can't. She can make Ross love her in a blink of an eye but she wants him to fall for her naturally. Everytime he's out doing "agent" business, Laura receives threats. She has been receiving them for 2 months now but she hasn't said a word to Ross. She has become a house wife you can say. Ross is her hard working husband and soon they'll have little one's running around. One problem: Ross doesn't even touch her as he used to. She was now frustrated but kept a cool head. "Only 6 more months", she thought. Mail arrived and  "Here we go again." She whispers. She then opens the letter. "Oh Mighty Laura! You bring yourself here or I might just not spare your family. If you don't believe me, there is a tape in the box and see for yourself. You have exactly 72 hours to be here. If not, then bye-bye family." She shook her head not believing it. She grabbed the tape and played it. It showed her dad and mom chained to a wall. Her mom was screaming at one guy very angrily. In the corner was her sister and she was all tied up. A guy walked up and touched her hair. She resisted and he slapped her. She was crying hysterically. Laura removed the tape and smashed it. A video screen popped up in front of her. She clicked accept. "Hey Laura" He evilly grins. She feels like punching the screen. "Fiesty one aren't ya?" "What do you want?" She said through her gritted teeth. "Easy. I want you. Your power will put me at the top. I will rule the world." He says smugly. "Why did you bring my family into it!? If you wanted me the whole time, you would have came!!!!" She shouts making him now mad. He throws a picture on the ground. It was the picture of her and her family smiling happily. She became enraged with anger. "You either be here in 3 days or I'll just have to get your little Rossy too!" he smiles turning it into a smirk. "Don't you dare touch him!" "Be here in 3 days!!!" With that he shut down his screen and Laura fell to her knees crying.


Oh poor Laura!! I would probably kill for my family. They make me………… well me!! Comment and vote!!


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