Chapter 30

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"Hey Laur," Ross greets his new co-worker. She turns around to look at who was talking to her. "Hey Rossy," she smiles. "Hey, it's boss to you Miss Marano." He teases. "Well now the boss doesn't get his afternoon kiss." She teases and walks towards the printer. Ross walks behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder. "I'm sorry boss, but I need to work and your kind of…" She trails off. He pulls her on the couch. "Kind of what?" He grins. She smiles. "If you wanted that, all you had to do was ask." She teases. He kisses her and she kisses back. (So unprofessional if you ask me;) ) There was a knock at the door but they didn't bother to pull away. "Ms. Marano, Agent Robert w-" She starts and sees what's happening and blushes for walking in on them. She slowly backs out. Flushed red from enbarrassment. She slowly locks the door behind her and leaves. "Did you hear something?" Ross asks breathlessly trying to catch it. "No. It was probably nothing." She sinked deeper into the couch as she pulled Ross closer. He chuckled and smashed their lips together once again.
"May I ask where Ms.Marano is?" Robert asks the co-worker he sent to page her. "Well um sir, here's the thing…" She trails off and flushes. "Why are you red?"  he asks. She knew, just how was she going to tell him. She smiled nervously. He looked at her irritated. "She's busy with the boss. She completed her first mission and well now I guess she… gets a reward." She explains in the most exotic way. He raises an eyebrow saying, "Is there something your not telling me?" She smiles nervously. "Back to work everyone." He calls out.
"We are at work. You should be ashamed of yourself." She says while fixing her shirt. He just smirks. "Ashamed of what?? He asks. "You didn't think about that a few months ago, when you came into my office, while I was in the middle of working. I still remember when yo-" She slaps his chest. "Enough!!" She tells him and he just laughs it off. She get up and fixes her skirt and walks to her desk. She checked to make sure everything was in tact. "Wow. I'm surprised my hair didn't mess up." She says looking herself in the mirror. "Well to be fair, we were on a couch", He grins cheekily. She throws a pen at him. "Get out. Agent Robert can be here any second now. We had a meeting, 2 hours ago. He must be mad."She says nervously. "Can I help calm you down?" He smirks. "Okay that's it! No more for you this month!!" She teases. Oh no. He never expected this. He just loved teasing her. "I'm sorry." He pouts. She laughs at his cute face. "Nope. I have made my desicion." She says. He chuckles. He gets up and buttons up his shirt. Checks to see wrinkles and gets up. He walks towards her. "I know you'll crack  before 2 weeks of  the  month." He whispers. This send chills down her spine. He kisses her cheek and pulls away. "You may wanna put your hair there." He's says looking at her neck and blushing. She was confused and looked in the mirror. She soon flushed red. "Well, thanks for your lunch hour and see you later." He winks and leaves the room. "What is up with him?" She asks herself. He pokes his head back in. "I love you." He says and smiles. "I love you too."  She smiles and he leaves. She starts organizing the rest of her papers.
There was a knock at her door. Her eyes glowed for a second. "Come in", she says as her eyes turn normal.  Agent Robert steps in. "So can you tell me why our leader is smiling like an idiot?" He asks her. She flushes pink. She didn't want him to notice so she turned away. "Well umm…" She trails off. "Soo what did you need?" She asks changing the subject. "Well, I was going to ask about your disappearance 2 hours ago. I need you to go on a mission." He explains. "What kind of mission?" She asks. "You need to first attend the garden." He says. "Are you serious? I'm an agent not a gardener." She says. "Fine but hold back with the boss please. I know what happened. You need to be professional." He says. "Okay I get it. I won't again." She says blushing. "Wait again?" He asks. "Agent Marano to my office now!!" Intercom rang. "I should go." She says. He nods and she leaves. "That girl! She will need to give us all the help we can get." He walks out her office.
"You wanted to see me?" She asks. Ross turns around in his chair. "Yes, please sit." He says, pointing to the chair in front of him. "Yes? May I ask why?" She asks him. "We are going on a mission. I need you to help me in anyway you can." He explains. "I always will. Tell me what to do." She tells him. He gets up and pushes her up against the wall. He then presses a button. Her outfit turns into mission gear. He then lets her go. "How do I look?" He asks her. He presses a button and he's in a suit. "Handsome." She replies. "And me?" She asks. "Beautiful. Like always." She blushes and wraps her arms around his neck. "I told you, you can't resist." He smirks. He wraps his arms around her waist. "Shut up and kiss me!" She demands. He laughs and kisses her. Both feeling content.
Ross completed his mission and kept her as safe as he should. He protected her and she protected him. Life was going to be different for them both. As life goes on: "Mission Complete".

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