Chapter 12

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Laura woke up in some sort of  cell. She banged against the door. "Get me out here!!!" She shouts. He walks in the room. "Look who woke up. I talk to Ross for you. He was so happy about your evening yesterday that his smile disappeared  faster than you can say Help." He smirked. "What do you mean you talked to him?" she asks confused. "Laur.… You may be powerful but I guess you haven't discovered all your powers which makes this even better. Your stupid and so is that boy of yours." He grins smugly. "I'll wipe that smug off your face!! I tear you apart if you hurt my family and Ross!!" she shouts at him. He walks towards her and unlocks the door. She falls out. "Ow!" She groans getting up. "I thought you were back to your regular self", he smirks. "I guess Ross doesn't care about you." "Your wrong. Ross loves me and I love him!! I would do anything for him and my family." She sternly says. "Well good thing you believe in love. If he loved you, he would be here now." She walks towards him and slaps him hard across the face. "You don't ever talk about him like that. If you want my power than I suggest you don't ruin my mood." She striked him where the sun does not shine. She lifted her arm and she notices they aren't the same. "He'll be here soon and then I'll kill him in front of you." He smirks and walks out. She screams then something rushes through the building and through the wall. She looks then smiles.
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