Chapter 27

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"Ross will find me!!" Laura shouts. "Shut up will you!!" He shouts at her. He turns on the machine and electricity surges through her body. "Ugh!!!" She groans. He  smirks as it happens. "Soon I'll have your powers." He smirks.

"She should be right here." Ross says. "Ugh!!" She shouts. "Laur?" He calls out. "He will find me!! Ross will find me!!" She shouts. Ross runs towards her voice. Two men stand in his way. "Move." He orders. "No!" They say. "Okay goodnight." He says to them. "Huh? What do y-" They fall down. "Nice work Calum." He high fives his best friend. "Anything for my best buddy!" They then head towards the machine. "Enough!!" He yells and turns it off. "Why isn't she giving me her power?" He asks frustraited. Ross knows. "Because she's missing her other half." A guy says. He then turns it back on. "Fry her if I have to!!" He shouts.

"Hey!!" Ross shouts. Calum sneaks around until he finds the switches. "Well well well. If it isn't agent Lynch!!" he grins. "I was wondering where you were. I mean I had your girlfriend here for what… 2 weeks?" He smirks. Ross looks at Laura who was practically dying. Her skin was pale white. She was fading slowly.

"Let her down!!" Ross orders. They all laugh. He motions to the door. 200 agents fill the room with their guns in hand. "Let her down!!" He orders once again. He just smirks. They remove Laura. She drops to her knees. "Ross?" She calls out. "Yes! I'm right here." He whispers as he embraces her. She was shaking. She then clutches her stomach. "Is it fine? Is our baby okay?" She asks him. Before he could answer, he was kicked in the face. "Ugh!" He holds his face. The agents take all of the other goons away. "I told you Lynch!! Not this time!!" He then starts swinging at him. Ross dodges his every move. He then elbows him to the face. Ross grabs his foot and trips him causing him to fall. He punches him in his face and repeats it. The guy turns them around and starts punching Ross.

"Ross!!!" Laura shouts. He spits out blood and punches the guy. He falls off him. "I told you to leave her alone!!!" He repeats punching him. Suddenly he's flung across the room. Laura stands up. She runs over to his side. "Are you okay?" She asks tearing. She had tears streaming down his face. She grabs his had. "I'm okay. I can handle it"he tells her, fighting through the pain. "You stay as far away as possible." He directs her. "You won't fight this alone." She whispers. He gets up. "I will kill you!!!" He runs towards his rival. They go at it. Ross fights through it. I'm doing this for Laura and my baby, he thought to himself. "You will never win!!" He shouts at Ross. Ross walks towards Laura and holds out his hand. She grabs it entwining their fingers together. She holds her arm up. "No what are you doing?!!?" He asks. "Something we should've done a while ago!!" Ross shouts. "Noooo!!!" He shouts. "In case you haven't noticed, I already won!!!" Ross tells him. Laura then drops her hand. "Noooooo!!!!"


Bond to be!!! Nothing more powerful than love!!:)

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