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For the past few days I've been behind on sleep. It's super annoying because it makes the work days feel longer.

It's not all bad, not being able to sleep just results in me planning more and more for Harry's birthday and the big reveal.

It is only going to be a small gathering, with the people closest to us who already know.

So far, our planning has gone pretty well. We already know roughly what we will be doing, so all that we really need to do now is buy the supplies.

Hopefully it goes as well as we have pictured it. Hopefully it isn't a complete disaster.

Harry: I'm completely free today.Come over?x

Me: see you soon loser ;) x

Harry: heyyyy, that's not very nice... see u soon - H x

Sometimes I wonder if he realises that he doesn't need to sign off when texting. Although, I don't mind. I think it's rather cute.

"Hey loser." I wink as I walk through the door.

"Are those for me?" He grins, pointing down to the bag of bananas in my hand.

"Maybe..." I smile, tossing them over to him. "You're the best!" He winks, and pulls me into a hug.

"Ooo, I also brought some nail polish. I know how much you enjoy them."

"I honestly have no idea what I would do without you" he says pulling me into his lap. "What colours do you have?"

"Well I've only brought this pinky colour, black and gold with me today. But I have plenty more at home if you ever want any others"

We wasted the day away painting each other's nails and eating bananas.

It's the simple thing in life that I never thought that I'd enjoy that makes me the most happy.

Seeing him fuss over not knowing what colour he wants, will never fail to put a smile on my face.

Very short chapter ...
This is just a gap filler.
I was going to post it tomorrow, but I thought I'd post it early :)

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