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Tomorrow is a very important day. Harry and I were beyond excited for what was to come. All Harry's hard work was getting closer and closer to being shown to the world.

Obviously taking one step at a time. The first step being the release of H's first single 'sign of the times'.

Both me and Harry are very proud of it, as well as everyone involved in the creation of the masterpiece.

All the time away H has spent feels worth it. Knowing that he has put every part of his heart and soul into his music only makes it more special.

After the news of One Direction taking a break was out, it definitely built to the pressure of making something magical for the fans.

There is also the fear that comes with taking a break from such a successful band. Knowing that you're expected to pull something just as good, if not better, than everything you done before. But this time, you don't have other people to lean on.

I honestly feel as if this is going to be something that the fans will love. Its such a beautiful song and has meaning behind every single word.

It's different to most songs out these days. Most people make music that is meaningless to them, they make music without meaning to the lyrics and make whatever they feel that the public will love. But not Harry.

Harry has made music that is important to him, that means something to him. Music that people all around the world can relate to, and honestly, it's beautiful.

I was so proud of what he has achieved, how far he has come and how much he has grown as an artist.

"So, how do you think it's going to go?" he smiled softly.

"Honestly, H, they're going to love it! Its beautiful."

"I think i'm just worried because it's not like most music that's out, none of it is party music. It's just music that's honest to me."

"That's what makes it so good. Its music that you want to write, and music that you are proud of."

"Obviously, making this album was a big jump. nobody knows what to expect and it can either go really well or really bad. I'd rather it go really bad knowing that it is music that i wanted to write and had fun writing then it going really bad knowing that it's not the type of music that i wanted to make. I wouldn't want to be suck with 'what if i wrote what i wanted to write then what i thought people would like' i think that would be much worse"

The Release.


I was so nervous, i didn't want to look at my phone. What if nobody is interested? What if everyone hates it?

I am proud with what i had created, i just hope people enjoy listening to my music as much as i enjoyed writing it. Even if it is just one person that enjoys it, i will be satisfied. Knowing that something that i have made and is meaningful to me actually impacts someone is such a great feeling.

I think i'm just worried as it is completely different to everything I done with the boys in 1D. Everyone expects something similar, but i went to a complete opposite route.

I loved everything that i accomplished with the boys, but i wanted something that shows me and represents me and my life. I wanted to show that i have something to bring to the world that isn't your average everyday music.

I wanted to show that i was different, and i had my own identity. That i was more than just a voice in One Direction. I wanted to show me.

The fans and everyone who has supported us over the years deserve it. They deserve to know me, without having to actually know me. They deserve something honest, and this is it.

I decide it's time to look at my phone, knowing i will have to check sooner or later. If i don't look now i'm going to find out everyone's thoughts anyway so i might as well check now.

I decide that Twitter is the best place to start. I load the app up on my phone. As soon as it is loaded i see my notifications explode. I hesitantly click on the notification box, hoping the good outweighs the bad. It did.

I couldn't help the grin grow on my face. knowing that my hard work has payed off so far. Knowing that people actually enjoy my work. It was such an incredible feeling.

Kyla wakes up and turns to see my huge grin, she smiles knowing that it must've gone well.

"Told you" she speaks with a tired voice, smile still on her face. "You need to trust yourself. You're talented and your music shows it, relax."

I put my phone down and pull her into a tight hug. I was lucky to have her. Sometimes I wonder how i actually managed to get her. Clearly not all mistakes are bad ones, and not all mistakes are mistakes... if that makes sense?

Sorry I've been super inactive. I've been unwell and still don't know what's wrong with me.

I was going to write lots of chapters for you guys but thought it's best to wait until i feel slightly better as i didn't want to do half a job and have crappy chapters.


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