1| The Bancroft Family

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Dedicated to:kisacollins

Thanks a tonne for being so supportive in my endeavors! I really appreciate your sweet comments and votes ^^

"Listen, smile, agree. And then do whatever the fuck you were going to do anyway."

~ Pinterest

Carlton's POV

It was late in the evening. New York City dwelled with bustling tourists, screaming vehicles, and singing lights.

Beyond the horizon, the sun illuminated the shimmering haze of pollution. In the far distance, the silhouette of the skyline pierced through the warm glow like a jagged mountain ridge. The structures glimmered under the faint moonlight of the crescent peeking from the clouds.

My two thousand dollar, heavy brogue shoes, carved solely out of the rarest of the rare fabrics, made hefty clicking sounds as I walked up the gargantuan marble stairs of, supposedly, the most expensive hotel in NYC.

As I made my way from amid the crowds of people, with dresses and gowns, each with a fancy mask to fit the theme of their costumes, they threw glances towards me, trying to catch a glimpse of the son of one of the biggest billionaires in the country.

My suit was tailored to stand out.

It did.

I could easily bet, in this entire masquerade party, my custom made attire was the most phenomenal and expensive. The awe-inspiring, four thousand-dollar suit hung from my shoulders, catering to six of the world's rarest fabrics.

I lived by the quote – dress to impress.

My guard leaned towards me, asking if I wanted to put my mask on. I shrugged it off. I was here to do business, not have fun.

The champagne glasses shimmered under the bright lights of the gigantic chandeliers hanging from the ceilings as I tried to avoid eye contact with people who were trying to start a conversation with me.

"Dude, this party sucks."

I stopped when I heard that, inhaled sharply, and turned around. Staring deeply into the eyes of my friend, I exclaimed, "Listen to me Dylan, we're not here to enjoy this party but to finish a task, and then we're outta here so kindly shut your mouth for a few minutes, thank you."

"I know, man!" Dylan whined, "I'm just saying that this party sucks. I mean, just look at you rich brats. What's fun about standing in groups and drinking champagne that costs my whole rent? I'd rather pass out at a cheap local bar or something."

"Only, you don't pay your rent. I do. So shut the fuck up and look for that man."

"I don't even know what he looks like."

I whipped my head around, cursing my situation slightly. I didn't want to be here either, but for a different reason and Dylan wasn't making it any easier for me.

My numerous endeavors to call my elder brother were useless; he never picked up his phone when I called.


All of a sudden, Dylan let out a slow whistle beside me, nudging my arm urgently, "Dude, look at that...damn."

I followed his gaze and my eyes landed on a girl in the far end of the hall, talking to a bunch of people. She looked as normal as every other girl here but without a mask. Only her glistening white gown stood out. I wondered if that was what attracted my friend's attention.

Carlton ✔Where stories live. Discover now