7| The Homicidal Duo

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Thank you so much for reading what I've worked on ^^

Do give me some tips to improve!

Love, K


Dedicated to:lovesolifeym

Thanks for being so consistent with your votes and comments! You've been my friend for so damn long and I couldn't thank you enough for all that you've done for me T.T

Your amazing! Staw awesome XO

"Do not go gently into that good night. But rage, rage against the dying of the light."

~ Dylan Thomas

Carlton's POV

The skin on my hands itched and shivered recklessly from gripping the steering wheel too tight, clenching my teeth strong enough for them to hurt.

I was getting closer and closer to the icon on the map, far enough from the main city where I spotted only about a car or two every few minutes. The street was dark and the streetlights flickered weakly.

What was she doing all the way out here?

The buildings here were small and old, seemed like they hadn't been touched in years. Anyone I saw walking down the side of the road was either just a drunk worker or a youth looking for a spot to get high.

They would stop to stare at my car everytime I passed. Not that people didn't stare at my cars, but their stares were more petrifying as if working silently on a scheme for my execution. They were not impressed – they were pessimistic.

I gulped, turning the car around a corner and was greeted by yet another similar street with similar buildings and similar stares.

But I was closer this time and my heart began to race like a maniac. I felt itchy, uneasy and frustrated almost as if I wanted to somehow fast forward to the time I finally saw her face again.

Millions of ideas were rushing frenziedly in my mind, blocking my ability to think straight – an ability that I took great pride in. I began to reanalyze the situation thinking maybe it would help me out a bit.

It took me five more minutes to reach the spot but it felt more than that. My car had halted beside a three-story building surrounded by metal fences about five feet tall. It looked old and derelict, stubbornly refusing to die. Cracks slithered their way up and down its bricked walls that had gathered moss and dirt from its years of survival.

It was encircled with trees – a lot of trees, almost hiding it from view. If I hadn't had this particular building blinking as a target on my GPS, I wouldn't even have noticed that it was there. It seemed like a place where the inhabitants of the underworld came to do their dirty business, but again, all the buildings here looked like that.

Aren't you an inhabitant of the underworld too, Carlton? A voice echoed somewhere from the back of my mind, but I forgot about it as soon as I heard it. Voices that seemed to come from nowhere in particular, didn't matter; they only threaten to scar you further.

I touched my forehead to the car window and scanned everything around myself. It was probable that after I left this car, it would immediately be jacked but I was ready to take the chance.

Unzipping the duffel bag, I pulled out my gun, loaded it and tucked it safely inside my jacket. Next, I slipped the pocket knife inside my pocket and did some breathing exercises to calm down.

Carlton ✔Where stories live. Discover now