2. One step too far

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“Oh my god!” I looked at Anna’s shocked face. Her eyes were widened and her mouth open. I just shrugged.

“Changed my mind,” I said without any interest. She shook her head and blinked a few times.

“I have never seen your hair so great!” she said with enthusiasm. I suddenly discovered that the radio was on. A very familiar intro started and I froze. Without even thinking about it I shut it off. Some other music will be good right now, I thought to myself as I turned on my iPod. My iPod was at least safe from those kind of songs.

“Please God, no more sad love-songs,” Anna moaned. I turned around and gave her a surprised look.

“Why do you say that?” I asked her.

“Because that’s all you listen to!” She said.

“No, it’s not!” I snapped at her. Who was she telling me what I listened to and not?

“Yeah, you do honey,” she said giving me a smile.

“At the party they I was yesterday they played Justin Bieber’s song, the one called Live My Life, and that’s not a sad song,” I said. She looked surprised at me before she laughed.

“Justin Bieber… While we are talking about hot singers! I saw a clip on youtube where Harry broke down while he sang More Than This. He couldn’t sing his part he tried but his voice shook too much, so they all just tried to cover it by singing his first chorus. You wanna see?” she asked. I froze again.

“Nah, I’m good,” I said and felt the urge to get out of the room.

“Feeling guilty are we?” she asked and I could hear by her voice that she was smiling at me. I turned around and looked at her with scowling eyes.

“Why would I feel guilty?” I asked.

“Hmm, wonder why he’s upset. Definitively not because the love of his life left him,” She said sarcastically.

“Oh, has he and Charlotte broken up?” I asked and played dumbfounded. She rolled her eyes at me.

“Fine, ignore the facts,” She indicated. There was a silence. We were both annoyed at the other, and waiting for the other to say something.

“So, I’m skyping with Niall in an hour, do you want to talk to him? Maybe the other boys will join as well. If Niall tells the truth they all miss you a lot,” She said breaking the ice. A part in me turned to stone. I was about to let all of my frustration out on her, but she would only take that as I missed them and I certainly didn’t.

“Sorry, but going out in an hour,” I told her.

“With who?” She asked with narrow eyes.

“Rick and a couple of guys,” I said still avoiding her look.

“Not a chance,” She said. I met her eyes.

“What did you just say?” I asked, not believing what I just heard.

“You know what I said, you’re not going out with that dick,” she said. I laughed for a moment.

“Since when did you decide who I went out with and not? Oh, that’s right never,” I said and went into my bedroom to chance clothes.

Anna’s P.O.V

“Hello?” I said as I put the phone to my ear. It was an unknown number, which was kind of weird.

“Are you Anna?” an unfamiliar asked.

“Yes, I am?” I said. Who the hell called at this time? It was in the middle of the night, almost morning.

“This is the emergency, we are calling about your friend Monica. I believe you are her roommate?” the male voice told me. I instantly got a bad feeling.

“Yes, why?” I asked impatiently. Emergency couldn’t be good.

“She’s been alcohol poisoned,”

“Oh my god,” I interrupted.

“Calm down, she’s stable now, but it could have been worse. But you need to come get her because she is no way capable of getting home on her own,” The man said.

“I’m on my way,” I said and hung up. Like I had the speed of superman I flew up of bed and threw on some clothes. I was about to lock the door to the apartment as I remembered something. Car keys would be a good idea. I ran back inside before I locked up and jumped in the car.

What felt likes seconds later I stood at the emergency pounding heart. Good thing that it was in the middle of night and no police because I probably broke every speed limit on my way. Some doctors showed me the way and led me to her bed. For the first time since I got the call I felt like I could breathe. Who knew you could become so short breathed just by driving?

“How is she?” I asked without removing my eyes from her face. If her chest hadn’t slowly risen I would have thought she was dead, because her face was paler than ever before. Some sweat was spread across her forehead creating some clamminess in her hair. I sat beside her and took her hand.

“She’s stable at the moment, sleeping,” the doctor said. I let go of her hand and took my palm at her forehead.

“She’s cold,” I said and looked up at the doctor. Warm brown eyes met mine, and somehow reminded me of a fathers eyes. He was quite young after my judgment, not more than thirty that’s for sure.

“Yes, she probably will be until she wakes up. If you get her home and just make sure she drinks a lot when she wakes up and keep her warm while she’s sleeping,”

“I can do that,” I said and suddenly got worried. How would I get her out in the car? Not that she was heavy, but when she was completely unconscious she would not be easy to handle considering she was the same height as me.

“How will I get her out in the car?” I asked the doctor.

“I can help,” I heard a voice say behind my back. I turned around and found Rick’s face. Furiously I stood up and pointed one very threatening finger on him.

“She was with you and you let her end up here? You are not touching her you sick bastard!” I said and felt like I could explode.

“You can’t blame me for this; I didn’t agree to babysit her. She’s a grownup,” He said. It looked like he was about to say something more but he shut up when he saw the look I was giving him. To my surprise he moved towards her and was about to lift her up when I stopped him.

“Hey! Didn’t you just hear what I said? NO touching,” I said. He turned and looked me in the eyes.

“You have no chance carrying her yourself, and I feel bad so let me do this,” He said and lifted her. I would have disagreed but the picture of me dragging her along the floor stopped me. I gave him a short nod to give him permission to lead her to the car. He held her carefully like she was a baby while walking to my car.

“This is the last you will EVER see of her, do you understand me?” I said as he placed her carefully in the car. He nodded before walking away.

I started the car and looked one last time to the backseat where Monica was laying.

“What are you doing?” I asked her silently and felt the hopelessness take over. Where was this going to end?

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