18. Sometimes unknown is better

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The sunlight could have waited a couple of more hours, I thought to my self as I tried to ignore the light that made it uncomfortable to lie in my bed. I was about to try to go back to sleep, when I heard a calm snoring beside me. Suddenly I became aware of the situation I was in. I was lying with one of my legs between Harry’s legs, and my head rested on his warm chest. One of my arms was lying across his stomach and had a good grip on his hip. His arm was carefully folded around my shoulders. Because of the small bed, half of me was laying on top of him. When the hell did this happen?

I thought it was a pretty bad situation, but suddenly I became aware of one final thing, he wasn’t wearing any other clothes than boxers. Without even bothering to be careful not waking him up I pulled away. It took me quite some time to remember he even coming into my bed.

I was about to change clothes, but then I remembered Harry could wake up any second so I just slipped my bikini top underneath the t-shirt I wore.

“God damn it,” Harry said with a deep voice. I couldn’t help the smile that was coming on my face. Finally someone other than me had a headache. I turned around and met Harry’s tired eyes. For a second he looked really confused. It was clearly that he didn’t remember much.

“Did we…?” he asked with big eyes.

“Believe me, if we did you would remember,” I answered in the same cocky tone that he once had answered the same question with.

“Believe me, I wouldn’t!” he said trying to make his voice sound like mine. I just rolled my eyes at his incredible bad attempt on imitating me.

“But seriously what happened last night?” he asked with a soar voice. I met his eyes again; he probably remembered our dancing, so no need to inform him about that.

“You made out with Eleanor who was drunk so Louis knocked the hell out of you, and then you took of your pans while dancing to some Indian music, before you went to a random guy’s hotel room to fuck him, but shortly after you came crying to me because it had been painful because of his huge dick,” I said and smiled slightly at him. At first his face got more and more scared and it staid that way for a while, but somehow he figured out that it was a joke.

“Very funny, come on tell me!” he said while doing his hair flip to fix his messy curls.

“Nothing in particular,” I answered.

“Well if you don’t mind I’m borrowing your shower,” He said and stood up. I was about to refuse to lend it, but I realized it would take more energy than I had.

“Be my guest,” I said and threw myself at my bed. Harry disappeared and I was left alone. The smell of Harry was all over my pillow, which made me kind of pissed of at the moment. No wonder I was laying on his chest if he stole my pillow. That would have to be washed, or maybe even burned.

As I was laying in my bed, philosophizing, I was alerted of how normally me and Harry was acting. Probably because we were used to sharing room and bed for that matter, but that was supposed to be changed. It had been for a long time, and I was not about to getting used to his tendencies to roll over me and his fucking snoring.

Everything was so confusing. A part of me refused to let go of what Harry and I had, but after a long time of thinking I understood that the thing we had was fake, it wasn’t real. We were friends, and had always been friends. Or I wouldn’t even call him my friend, but the point was that we had never been more. If we had I wouldn’t have left and he wouldn’t have the urge to sleep with another girl. We were both to different to go back to the way we had been. Never again, I told my self determined. Now we are just to persons that don’t necessarily get along to well.

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