9. The one and only

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Monika’s P.O.V

I woke up to some very bright light. SUNSHINE! I quickly stood up and woke Anna. To my disappointment she wasn’t as interested in the sun this early in the morning. So there I sat with a huge smile, wide awake.

Maybe I could go for a run?

I found my iPod and looked out the window. It was probably already pretty warm outside so I decided that I would wear as little clothes as possible. After maybe an half hour arguing with myself I found out that I only would use a bikini and a mini-shorts. Then I at least wouldn’t get warm because of too much clothes. Hopefully there weren’t a lot of people that were out on the beach this early.

When I first started running along the beach I understood how stupid it was to even consider going for a run. The sweat was already building up in my face, and I strongly considered just running straight out in the ocean, but I didn’t.

The music played loudly in my ear and it took me quite a while to discover that there was a person running next to me. I took out the earplugs and stopped entirely. The one next to me stopped as well, and it took me some seconds to recognize the person standing in front of me.

“Harry?” I pressed out between my gasps for air.

“The one and only,” He said and smiled at me. He was wearing a white tank top which showed his well trained and brown arms, and a white headband that kept the curls out of his face.

“What are you doing?” I asked and looked confused at him. Definitively not in the mood for jokes. There was something called a pissed of Monica, and there was something called a warm pissed of Monica, there was a big difference.

“I’m jogging, how ‘bout you?” he asked with a smile. I looked at him. Was he serious?

“Did you get what I said yesterday, we two are not friends,” I said slowly so it could sink in, but it didn’t exactly get the reaction I wanted. He just smiled at me.

“You might not consider me as a friend, but I’m here for you. And I’m not going anywhere,” he said. I looked at him and had no intentions on starting to run again.

“So… Shall we start up again? Or is it to warm for you?” He asked with a teasing tone.

“Shut up, I could outrun you any day,” I said through gritted teeth before I started to run. It might seem like I was in the kidding mood, but I was dead serious.

To my surprise he didn’t run pass me, he just staid right behind me, but he had no problem keeping up.

“Why are you running behind me?” I asked him while struggling to keep my breathing even.

“Just enjoying the view, babe,” He said while laughing. Idiot, I thought as I sped up.

When I finally was done showering I went out and the bathroom and looked for Anna. The room was empty which kind of shocked me. Had she gone out? Probably.

I found my bikini and quickly took on some sunscreen, to my annoyance I didn’t reach my back. Well, Anna will be doing that then, I said to myself as I went down to the pool.

To my surprise it was quite crowded around the pool, and every sunbed was taken except one. And that one was placed between Anna and Harry. Seriously, what was up with Harry being everywhere? Anna waved for me to come. I slowly went to them and folded my towel across the bed.

“Can you put sunscreen on my back?” I asked Anna while lying down on my stomach.

“Sure,” she said and took the sunscreen. I felt the cold cream coming at my back followed by two hands that slowly rubbed it out. For the first time in history Anna hadn’t any hurry to get done. She slowly massaged into my skin and even felt free to open my bikini. Her hands were warm, and if I had ever known she was this good at rubbing sunscreen I would have asked her a long time ago.

“Seriously, you’re hands are so huge. What are you? A monster?” I asked and laughed a bit. She didn’t answer.

“You’re almost making me think I’m gay, this is nearly turning me on,” I said jokingly while laughing.

“Oh really?” a low not-so-girly voice answered. I would have turned my whole body around but because of my lack of bikini I just turned my head. Where I was expecting to see Anna a tall and curly-headed boy stood smirking at me. If I hadn’t been so furious I probably would have been embarrassed because of what I just said.

“Harold Edward Styles!” I yelled. Not only was he laughing now, but Anna and Niall had joined him as well. If I wasn’t wrong the rest of the people around that had paid attention probably laughed as well.

“Tie my bikini! NOW!” I said and as soon as he did what I commanded I turned around. Soon I became aware of one thing. It wasn’t just the boys of One Direction that were here. They all had their girlfriends with them. Eleanor and Louis were by the pool. Danielle and Liam sat with a table sharing a milkshake. Zayn and Perrie laid on their sunbeds. That left Anna and Niall, and me and Harry. Great!

They were all paying attention and waiting for me to explode but I was dazed at the situation. I simply laid down and closed my eyes and tried desperately to forget that it ever happened.

Niall and Anna were talking casually next to me. Since when was Anna calm when it came to anything about Niall? This must be a parallel universe.

“Monica?” Anna said. Wow, was she taking a break from Niall now?


“We’re going out tonight, right?” she asked.

“Sure,” I said and ignored Harry’s eyes which I could feel on me.

"We're joining" Niall said. Of course...

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