13. Awkward silence

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“Nononono, this can’t be happening!” I said almost having a hard time breathing.

“Calm down Monica… Luckily I bought lots of candles earlier!” Anna said holding a bag up. I gave her a surprised look.

“I thought we could have a spa day tomorrow, so therefore I figured that we needed candles…” she said and smiled at me.

“So, that was the last one,” Niall said and looked pleased with himself. I looked at our room. Candles everywhere except for the beds. What was really awkward was that the candles created a really romantic atmosphere in the room. I silently sat down at my bed. It took quite some time before anyone did anything. What broke the complete silence was Harry sitting down at the other bed.

“What are we going to do?” I asked while studying some of the candles. This was like taken straight out of a bad supposedly romantic movie.

“I don’t know about you, but I feel like cleaning the bathroom, can’t you help me Niall?” she said. Niall quickly agreed and went with her to the bathroom. I could hear the key in the bathroom door lock before some low talking in there. Great, that left me and Harry in a room covered in candles.

I looked at him shortly before turning back at staring at my feet. It didn’t look like he was about to say anything in a while. Just as me he was staring at his feet. His lips were firmly pressed together like he had decided not to say anything.

Silence had always been one of the many things I hated. Silence just made me uncomfortable and in desperate need of destroying it, but right now I begged for that uncomfortable silence because this was another type of silence. This was a much worse silence. I could hear his breathing, and my own heart beating.

This wasn’t just awkward silence, the word I would have used for this silence was excruciating, and that was only the beginning of describing it.

Silence was often caused by the lack of words to say, but that wasn’t the case here. It wasn’t only silence that was the problem here. There was another, much bigger problem. There was emptiness in the room that should have been filled with words none of dared to say.

After who knows how long I decided that enough was enough. For a while I had hoped that Harry would say something, but it was like waiting for rain in a desert. He sat in the bed like he was frozen and I don’t even think he moved since he sat down.

“It doesn’t look like they’re coming out,” I said flatly. For the first time in what felt like forever he actually moved. To my surprise he didn’t just move, he also looked at me. Not in the eyes but at least at me. I could easily tell by the look on his face that something was wrong, but asking wouldn’t be a good idea.

“Probably not,” he agreed. Then it came again, the silence. Fuck, wasn’t he going to make any effort even trying to keep the conversation going?

“It’s kind of funny. Anna is so crazy in love!” I said and chuckled. It seemed like the statue came alive again.

“Tell me about, Niall barely speaks of anything else. I swear I’m almost prepared for him popping the question,” he said and smiled halfheartedly at me. That was all I needed to get the courage to continue. A halfheartedly smile was better than no smile. Even though I was mad at him, it wasn’t worth the silence. We probably were going to sit here all night, and this way the time actually passed.

“I hope I’m there to witness that!” I said and laughed. Harry met my eyes for the first time since he got here. Even though he was smiling at me I could see something in his eyes something was very wrong. But even deeper down in his eyes, if I saw beyond what he was showing me I discovered something. A little spark, a flash of hope. A hope for me to forgive him, and give another chance.

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