Writers note!

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Okay, so this isn't a part of the story, it's just something I want you all to know. The most important thing first, I love you all for reading, and I love your comments! Words can't explain how thankful I am for all my readers, and I try to make it up to you by updating often :)

But to the point. As you probably know the story is pretty dark now, and I knoow that's probably not the funnest thing to read, but there's a reason for it. My story is what it is, it's not perfect, it's not always fun, but that's the way I choose to write it. Some times there is a happy ending, some times it isn't, but what I feel is the most important thing is staying true to the characters and the story itself.

I get that you're all pretty pissed at the main character Monica, and of course you have your reasons. But what I need you to know is that she isn't being mean to Harry because she wants to. That's just how she is, and that's how I created her, you can hate it all you want, but if she wasn't the kind of person she is the story won't be the same. She is being a complete bitch to mainly protect herself and because she does not feel that she is good enough. When I created her I decided to put as much as "reality" into her as possible, because the truth is that when someone hurts you it's very hard to forgive, especially when you believed the person was different. She wants to forgive Harry, but she can't control how she feels. And on top of that she is stubborn as well, aand she is very good at convincing herself what she wants to feel, or think she wants to feel. A pretty complicated person in other words, but that's how she is.

So I don't want anyone to take this as that I'm being angry, because I'm not, I just think it's very important that you know why I'm writing as I am. I really don't want you to believe that the reason she keeps on rejecting him is because she likes it or because I as a writer like the drama. So I hope you get that :)

I'm not mad and I looove you all my little babies ;) xx

If you want to say anything about this that you don't want other to read feel free to send me a message, or else you can just comment below :) 

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