7. Those days when everything just sucks

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I knew that it was raining outside, but not as much as this. After my first step outside of the roof I got soaked. Not only did I lack a jacket but I was also wearing a white shirt. Great… What had I done wrong to this world?

As I stood in the rain I realized I had no where to go. I was pissed at Anna so no chance that I was going back there for a while. Suddenly I got reminded of something. Liam was here!

I asked politely where Liam Payne was living and to my surprise the lady in the reception told me the number of his room. Thank God! I knocked three times and waited patiently for him to answer. What was I going to say? Hey, I’m pissed off because you planned that we were going to meet here without telling me.

The door opened and I saw Liams face. At first he looked startled but then he flashed me a brilliant smile.

“Hey girl, what’s up?” he asked. His British accent almost sent shivers down my back. I had missed him a lot more than I thought.

“Hey, I was just wondering…” my voice trailed off as soon as one person came behind him. Fuck!

“Danielle!” I said and tried to smile at her. She gave me a hug.

“I’ve missed you,” Danielle said. For a moment I was lost in all of her curls. When I finally managed to get myself out I just stood there, awkwardly without any idea of what to say. Now it wasn’t any chance of staying here. Liam held an arm around her waist.

“You were wondering…?” Liam continued. Shit!

“Um, I was just, um, wondering if, um you guys had any sunscreen? We forgot ours,” I said and smiled. Sometimes I blessed my brilliant brain for managing to come up with excuses when needed to. Both Liam and Danielle gave me a strange look.

“Sunscreen?” Liam asked. What was so wrong with some sunscreen?

“If you haven’t noticed it’s raining outside,” Danielle sad and laughed. Oh. My. God.

“Ohhh, that’s right… Okay, then I guess I should be going. Enjoy your vacation,” I said awkwardly and turned around. I almost couldn’t wait to run away from there. How the hell could I say sunscreen?

“Monica wait!” Liam said and I heard he was coming up behind me. I turned around and forced my face to smile.

“What?” I asked trying to keep my mask.

“I’m sorry if you were tricked into coming here, and I can’t say that I wasn’t a part of it. We all were. And I’m truly sorry, but I think you and Harry need to sort some things out,” he said truthfully. I was about snap, but his brown eyes were to sad and sincere that I could ever imagine yelling at him.

“Harry and I don’t need to sort out anything,” I said calmly. Liam looked like he was about to say something but then changed his mind. He probably knew me to well to start this discussion. “Well I better be going, don’t want to miss the important sun,” I said sarcastically and started to walk in a direction.

“Bye, I guess I’ll be seeing you,” Liam said and I could feel his eyes following me.

What have I ever done to deserve this? It’s raining, I’m in a middle of a fight with Anna and I have no where to escape. Stupid Danielle, stupid Liam and stupid Anna. Why was everyone stupid?

“Monica?” a voice said behind me. I turned around kind of surprised, was there someone else that felt the need to stand in the pouring rain? Speaking of stupid I thought as I discovered Harry was the one behind me standing behind me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked because I had nothing else to say.

“Needed some air…” he said and gave me a sad look.

“Heard of windows?” I asked sarcastic. He laughed shortly before his face turned serious again.

“How are you?” he asked.

“Fine, kind of wet, and do not take that the wrong way,” I answered monotonic. He smiled cheekily at me before his smile disappeared.

“I really missed you,” he said and stepped closer to me. His hair was completely drenched and water was dripping down his chin. I tried to ignore that his white t-shirt was completely transparent. Do not look.

“Just don’t…” I said and took one hand on his chest to stop him from coming closer. To my surprise his skin was warm and instantly sent some shivers down my back.

“Don’t what?” he asked with his puppy eyes.

“Just cut the crap. We’re not friends and we haven’t been in a long time, you made that very clear when you slept with that slut,” I answered. Never in a lifetime had I even considered to answer that so honestly, but the look he gave me just set fire to something inside me, that apparently made me speak the truth.

“Come on Monica give me a chance here…” he begged. Often I would have felt guilty when I saw the hurt in his eyes, but it just made the rage in me bigger.

“You know what? At first I thought you were a stupid, cocky boy that only wanted to sleep with girls, but then you had me convinced that there was something more to you. Something special…” my voice trailed off. I shock my head to keep it together. “But then you showed me your true colours. So just stay away from me, because I can barely look at your face without throwing up,” I spit the words him. And for every word I said I could see that he got more broken.

“I’m sorry…” he said and looked down at his feet.

“Well so am I, excuse me but I have to go somewhere else and stand in the rain,” I said and turned around and walked towards the beach. Wow, I needed to be rude more often; it felt awesome to say what was really on your mind.

Mental note, say what you want! So the only problem now was, for how long was I going to stand out in the rain? I was already starting to feel cold and my clothes were drenched. If Anna just wasn’t in our room… Maybe she had gone over to Niall? Let’s hope for that, I thought as I headed back.

I locked up the door. Why the hell did they have automatic locks? This ones even had it from the inside, so you always had to have a key inside. Like seriously, what the fuck?

I opened the door slowly preying for Anna to be somewhere else. I stepped inside and suddenly discovered that water was dripping down from me. I went towards where the bed stood and found Anna lying on her bed. Fuck!

“Been for a walk in the rain?” she asked. In that moment I figured out my plan. Silent treatment. I simply turned away from her and found some new clothes.

“Feels like I’m walking in the raaaain, I found myself trying to wash away the pain,” She sang from the known song by A1. Please God, don’t let me laugh!

“Cause I need you to give me some shelter, and baby I’m walking in the rain,” she continued. When she finally continued her last note I couldn’t control my self longer. I burst into laughter. I turned around and looked at her. She laughed happily.

“I’m sorry,” she said and smiled innocently at me. How could I resist that smile?

“It’s okay honey, but don’t blame me when I’m being a bitch again,” I said and smiled at her.

“I’m used to it by now anyways,” she answered with a teasing grin.

“HEY!” I said and through my pillow at her. She laughed.

“I think I need a shower,” I said and walked into the bathroom.

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