19. Reaching out

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Later that day when I was tired of being mad I stood up and went to the pool. Carefully I dipped my toes in the pool to feel the water. I wrinkled my nose at the cold water. The sun was frying me, but the water was way to cold to swim in. Everyone was gathered at the pool now. All of the happy couples, yay! Anna and I hadn’t talked the two last hours since our loud fight, but I could feel myself starting to let go of the anger. But I was not going to be the first one to reach out, so I stood with my back towards her and all of the other couples pretending not to notice them.

Suddenly I felt two pair of strong arms grabbed me and pushing me out in the pool. Before I even had the chance to close my mouth I hit the ice cold water.

The cold temperature literally sent a shock through me and I swam all I had toward the surface. When I finally got up I tried to look around, but my eyes were filled with water. As I regained my sight I found Liam and Louis in the water next to me laughing their asses of.

“DAMN YOU!” I yelled at them before attacking Liam. Louis of course decided to help Liam and started pulling me of Liam’s back. It all turned out as a big fight, where I was the obvious loser. After a lot of screaming we settled the fight and got out of the pool.

As we stood trying to catch our breaths I used the last I had of energy to give Louis a hard shove. The expression he had as he hit the water was priceless. Liam and I stood both laughing at Louis grumpy face as he got up.

“Good job Monica!” Liam said while patting my wet shoulder.

My laugh suddenly trailed off as I met Harry’s eyes. He was only sitting a couple of meters from the pool, and most likely had watched the whole fight. The look in his eyes made me feel so bad that I was paralyzed for a moment. They were so filled by sadness and jealousy.

I tried to resist the urge to comfort him, but it was to strong. I went towards him and stood over him.

“Hey,” I said quietly trying to cheer him up. At that moment I decided that from now on I would try to be nice to him. Even though he didn’t seem like it, he was a very sensitive guy, and hurting him was unnecessary. I didn’t need to like him, just be a little nice.

He didn’t even answer me he just stood up, which sent me another jolt of bad conciseness. Something in me just made me desperate to cheer him up.

“Oh so you want a hug?” I asked with a grin. I threw my arms over his shoulders and pressed my body tightly towards his so he would get as much water as possible. I could literally feel how his body changed from angry and up-tight, to being comfortable.

“HEY!” he said and laughed. Nothing could make me happier than his laugh at the moment.

“Oh, I know you want it,” I said continuing hugging him tightly. When he finally managed to get me off him he smiled at me and I could easily see how happy was. For a moment I could see him considering throwing me in the pool, but for some reason he changed his mind.

“Want a milkshake?” he asked with a smile. I nodded and followed him to the small café at the end of our hotel.

“Hey Anna?” I said as I returned to the pool. Anna shot her head up and looked at me, probably happy that I was talking to her again.

“Yes babe?” she said and grinned. She knew how much I hated it when she called me babe, it was just a very awkward nickname.

“I’m sorry about my … um…” I started but I couldn’t find the words to say.

“Bitch meltdown?” she asked helpfully.

“Sure, I was just kind of grumpy because of my lack of sleep or something,”

“Already forgiven, honey,” she said and flashed me a brilliant smile. “So, do you want go golfing now? The rest is also going,” she asked.

“Sure, why not spend the rest of the day sucking at golf?” I said kind of sarcastically, but still with a smile on my face.

“Great, we’re leaving in ten minutes,” she said and got up. I stood there looking surprised at her. Ten minutes… Wow, I needed to hurry!

I ran up to my room and quickly changed clothes into something comfortable. Luckily I was pretty good at doing things quickly. Within the next ten minutes I managed to get dressed, fix my messy curls and put some makeup on.

“I’m ready!” I said as I ran into the reception. To my surprise there was just one person there, and that was Anna. Were all the others slower than me?

“They are going to meet us there,” Anna said as she saw my expression. I smiled at her before we went out to get a cab.


Authors note: This part is kind of short, but I promise you from here it will get better and better and there's lots of drama in front of you guys :) From now on is building up to the exciting end. Anyone got any predictions of how it will end?

You're an angel if you comment and vote, and remember I love you all, even if you don't do anything other than read it! xx

Not how it was planned - SequelWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt