11. Too much hurting

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“Oh god…” I said as I weakly tried to sit up in my bed. Something was wildly pounding in my head. Why the hell did I drink so much last night? I rubbed my forehead, but I couldn’t remember anything that made me drink unusual amounts of alcohol.

“You too, huh?” Anna said beside me. I looked at her. Her hair reminded me of a birds nest and her face looked almost as fucked up as I felt mine was. I nodded.

“I think Niall and I made out!” she said shocked like she just remembered. At first she seemed happy but then she turned it into extremely upset.

“Nooo, I don’t want our first kiss to be when we’re drunk! I hope we didn’t kiss! Did you see us kiss?” she asked me.

“You didn’t,” I answered simply.

“YES! How do you know that?” she asked.

“I don’t, I just want you to shut the fuck up,” I said before lying down again.

“Fuck you,” she said and stood up. I was about to ask her where she was going but that meant moving a muscle and I really didn’t have the energy. Some minutes after I heard the shower got turned on so I got my answer. Two hours and a lot of water later I felt a bit better. Not good, but at least a bit better. I stood up and pulled away the curtains. Sunshine. For some reason that just made me more tired so I went straight to bed again.

“Come on Monica, we can’t stay in here all day,” Anna said while shaking my shoulders softly. She went into the bathroom. Suddenly I became aware of the wetness on my cheeks. I had been drooling quite a lot. Woops…

“Yes we can,” I mumbled but got up anyway. I stretched before I started looking for my bikini. For some reason it was beneath my pillow. Maybe I had hidden it when I was drunk? I took it on before I knocked on the bathroom door.

“How can I possibly be done before you?” I asked kind of annoyed. Anna opened the door immediately.

“No need to get angry, I’m done,” she said fast. Was she afraid of me getting mad? Actually when I thought about it wasn’t that impossible because I could be the most moody person when my night had been hard.

“Let’s go,” I said and threw my towel across my shoulders. When we came to the pool it was only a few people. Among them were Danielle, Liam, Niall and Harry. The others probably slept of the hangover. Niall’s face lit up when he saw Anna. Ew, they were so in love it almost made me sick at least in this moment. I picked a bed that was two beds away from Harry’s. Harry seemed to be ignoring me. I was sure he was going to try one of his cheeky lines or something, but he just stared right ahead of him. Anna of course picked a bed next to Niall.

Suddenly I became aware that Anna was signalizing something to Harry. He shook his head, and Anna looked confused at him. Before I knew it Harry stood up and walked passed me without as much as a glance and headed towards Anna. She instantly stood up and started walking with him. What was their thing?

Anna’s P.O.V

“So what’s up, Styles? Why are you ignoring Monica?” I asked Harry casually as soon as we were out of everyone’s hearing-range. When he hesitated for a minute I stopped and looked at him with big eyes. “Did something happen yesterday? Did you hook up?” I asked.

“No,” he answered with a cold voice.

“What happened then?” I asked waiting impatiently for the answer.

“I can’t do this anymore. I can’t try to pretend that I’m okay when she’s being like that. I’m not a good actor and I never will be. Through the last 24 hours I have struggled more than I’ve ever done before, and it’s a waste of energy!” he said and his voice was trembling hard.

“You don’t have to a good actor, you just have to better than her. You’ll see, she will come around eventually,” I tried to assure him. The words were meant as comfort, but when I looked at how his face expression changed I quickly understood that the words weren’t comforting at all.

“You know how stubborn she is. She will never forgive me!” he said and I could hear the desperation in his voice.

“She is just trying to play tough! She will eventually give in. You can’t give up on her,” I said trying frantically to convince him. If he gave up they didn’t have a chance, because there was no chance that Monica would fight for him even though she deep down felt so strongly about him. The problem with Monica was that her own stubbornness got in the way for what she really wanted. She was so stubborn that it blinded her completely. It made me frustrated, but there was nothing I could do with it, because the harder I pushed the more she fought me. For some unexplainable reason I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I hadn’t noticed Harry’s eyes filling up with tears. I looked shocked at him. Something just screamed broken about him.

“Do you know how it feels to see the girl of your dreams stare you deeply in your eyes and then finding a random guy to snog?!” he asked and his voice was shaking so hard I was worried it would simply just disappear.

“She …?” I asked shocked. For one short second I was about to ask myself why she would do something like that, but it was pretty obvious.

“YES!” he said before I could continue.

“I know you’re hurt, but I know…” I started but he cut me off again.

“No but’s! She’s done, and she showed me yesterday that I need to get over her as well. The only thing my feelings for her are doing are bringing me down!” he said and I could hear the anger in his voice. I was about to say something but he started talking again.

“I had her! I could’ve had her, but I lost her! The worst thing is that the only one I can blame is me,” he said and his voice trailed off. I could see he was about to burst into tears so I did what I felt was best at the moment. I quickly pulled him into a hug. At first he just stood there, but he quickly surrendered and gave into his feelings and my hug.

I had no idea for how long we stood there, but for the first time in history when I tried to comfort someone it wasn’t awkward. While we stood there I silently made a promise to myself. No matter what I would put them out of their misery and I knew exactly how.

We both pulled back when we heard someone cough behind us. I turned around and was surprised to see Niall standing there. Harry quickly made an excuse and went to the pool again. Niall looked at me with concerned eyes. 

“We need to do something quickly,” I said determined. He nodded in agreement. We both thought making them meet would be enough, but it was obvious that we had to get down dirty.

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