3. A call for help

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Monika’s P.O.V

Oh god… What the hell did I do last night? There is what’s called hangover, and there is this. This was probably the worst I’d ever felt since the last time I had migraine. What the hell was this shit? Okay, one thing was for certain I had to get up and get something to drink and some serious painkillers. Just as I tried to open my eyes and get up, I felt my body give up. No doubt, this was the worst hangover.

“Good, you’re up,” a cold voice said. Anna? Since when did she get that bitchy voice? I opened my eyes and found her sitting at the edge of my bed, her arms cross folded. She looked infuriated, and maybe a little worried, but most infuriated. Without meeting my eyes she handed me a glass of water and ordered me to drink. She waited patiently for me to drink up before she met my eyes. By the look in her eyes I could tell that she was waiting to say something.

“Now… What the HELL were you thinking?” she asked. Her loud voice sent a flash of pain through my head.

“Please, not so loud… And I don’t know exactly. I was out partying and then I woke up here. That’s an improvement isn’t it?” I said and tried to smile. But my attempt at cheering her up didn’t work as I planned; it actually seemed to make things worse.

“I picked you up… At the HOSPITAL!” she said and I could see her struggle to keep calm. I gave her a confused look. Why was I at the hospital? “Seems like you had drinking so much alcohol that you passed out,” she said and her voice got a bit louder.

“That explains the major hangover,” I said and sneered. She gave me a killer-look. “Come on, that was a bit funny. You know since I got poisoned by alcohol and then I say hangover,” I said trying to explain the humor, but she didn’t even flinch. For a like a minute she just stared at me, intensely like she was trying to read my mind. To my surprise her face changed from mad to very sad. She actually started to cry.

“Wait… Why are you sad?” I asked confused. She rubbed her face with her palms out of desperation.

“I don’t know what to do! You are so broken, and there’s nothing I can do to fix it,” she said. I looked surprised at her.

“Calm down, I’m fine. I’m not broken, just a bit hangover,” I said and tried to smile.

“No you’re not. You almost died! Died, Monica that’s pretty serious!” she said slowly while speaking the words like I was unable to understand what she said.

“But I didn’t, I’m completely fine. Or if you don’t count the ache in my head,” I said and rubbed my forehead while trying to ease the mood.

“How can you make jokes about this?” she asked and stormed out of the room.

“Come on, it was funny” I yelled after her. I considered going after her, but my body and head was unable to move so I just went back to sleep. I would have the time to talk to her later.

Anna’s P.O.V

I waited anxious for the familiar voice to answer the phone. He might be busy? Just as I was about to hang up I heard his voice. I instantly smiled at the thought of him.

“Hi, it’s Anna,” I said and felt like an idiot. I sat in the small coach and grinned like an idiot out the window.

“Hey, what a surprise,” Niall answered with his familiar accent. The way he talked sent shivers down my back, and I almost forgot what my purpose was. I took a deep breath and pushed the million thoughts out of my mind, and focused on what was important.

“Sorry if I’m disturbing you, but I have to talk to you, it’s really important, and since you are the one I know best in the band, you were the only one I felt like I could call,” I said almost stuttering. For some reason I got really nervous.

Not how it was planned - Sequelजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें