10. Drunk and confused

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The air was a mix of sweat and drunken people. Through my life I had been to a lot of clubs, but I’d never been in any club like this. People were everywhere. Couples making out everywhere, and people puking in everywhere. Sweat was dripping from everyone. Girls wore almost nothing and hands were all of them. In all this craziness there were a few people that stood out to me.

Niall and Anna were standing in the middle of the crowd dancing the worst dance moves that had ever been discovered. Danielle was moving like no one else on the dance floor in front of Liam.

But somehow, through all the noise, people and madness there was something that caught my eye.

Across a single boy sat at the bar, just sipping at his drink. Green eyes surveyed the room and found mine. For one single moment I could see my everything in those eyes. My past and my future. They in some way stared right into my soul. For one single moment, I felt naked. Not naked on the outside, but on the inside. Like I was an open book, and the couple of green eyes could read me if they wanted.

Everyone was suddenly tuning out somehow starting to move slower, gradually starting to blur away. All of the noise was gone and all I could hear were three words. I want you. No one said it, but one certainly thought it.

Too overwhelming. I turned around took a good grip of the shirt to the boy behind me. Not thinking, just doing. I pulled him close and kissed him. Not a light kiss, a passionate kiss, one kiss that simply said I want you. When I pushed him away I turned around.

The bar was empty.

“Nonononono! Please, one more shot!” I begged. Liam’s face turned strict and I could see what the answer was before he said it.

“No, you’re going home!” he said.

“But no one else is going home yet…” I pouted. Clearly it wasn’t helping at all because he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the crowd.

“Wow, is this how the air really is?” I asked Liam when we got out. It felt like the air cleaned my soar throat.

“You’re going home.” he said without answering my question. That was rude; Liam was supposed to be the nice one.

“Nooo, why do I have to go home?” I whined. Without even answering me he started walking while dragging me along. I tried to fight him but didn’t stand a chance.

“I can take her,” a voice said silently behind us. We both turned around.

“HARREH!” I screamed and ran into his arms. I took my arms around his waist and held him.

“This mean guy was going to kidnap me,” I said while looking at the scary man that was standing in front of us.

“No I wasn’t,” he said.

“I know Liam, but I’ve got this. Go enjoy your time with Danielle,” Harry said simply.

“Are you sure?” the kidnapper seemed skeptic. Harry beside me nodded.

“Thank you for saving me!” I said while sticking my tongue at the kidnapper.

“Come here,” Harry said and held me steady. For some weird reason my feet felt like jelly.

“You better get home before you get raped…” Harry said without any humor.

“It isn’t called raping if I volunteer, it’s called SEX!” I giggled. Harry looked at me, still not humored.

“God damn it, we need you to get locked up somewhere,”

“You know what?” I asked him.


“I’ve always wanted a Border Collie, but then Collie happened and then I found a mini Collie called Shetland sheepdog, but maybe I rather will have a pitbull who can sing songs? Have you ever thought about how you would look with red hair?” I blabbered. My words didn’t come easily, my mouth wasn’t cooperating but I was pretty sure I got the message through.

“You’re babbling,”

“I think it’s cute!” I answered before I giggled.

“You think that you’re cute?” he asked.

“No your curls, it would look good if we colored it red,” I answered. He was slow.

“What?” he asked confused.

“You said your hair was cute,” I said slowly so he could understand it.

“No I didn’t,” he answered flatly. He had lost interest a while ago.

“Yes you did, right after we talked about hippos,” I told him. Suddenly we stood in front of my door and Harry found a key.

“Where did you get that?” I asked him. Had he stolen our key? Was he going to kill me?

“You gave it me,” he answered while locking up. He led me carefully to my bed.

“Where are my shoes?” I asked him curiously while staring at my feet. Harry simply told me to shut up and was about to leave me when I stopped him.

“Haz, I can’t sleep… Can you sing me a song?” I asked him with puppy eyes. He turned around and got back to my bed. Silently he sat down and looked at me.

There's nothing where she used to lie

My conversation has run dry

That's what's going on, nothings fine I'm torn

I'm all out of faith, this is how I feel

I'm cold and I am shamed lying naked on the floor

Illusion never changed into something real

I'm wide awake and I can see the perfect sky is torn

You're a little late, I'm already torn

“Thank you, Haz,” I mumbled before I rolled around and buried my face into the pillow. I was sure that he had left but I suddenly heard him move behind me. I turned my face towards him.

“Monica? Can I ask you something?” he said seriously. I nodded. “I know you’re wasted, but this is my best opportunity to ask you this, and now I at least know you will answer honestly,” he said before taking a deep breath. “Will you ever forgive me?” he asked and met my eyes. They were so heartfelt that I felt bad looking at them.

“I don’t think so,” I answered. Sadness turned into desperation and he looked furiously at me.

“Can’t you see how hard I’m trying here?” he asked frantically. I looked at him for a moment before I opened my mouth.

“No, all I see is you and that girl you slept with,” I answered and suddenly forgot the name of the girl he had slept with.

“I’m trying to fight for you here, please give me another chance,” he begged.

“I want you to stop fighting for me,” I said firmly. Even though he was upset before that was nothing compared to what he was at the moment. My answer almost made it look like I just had slapped him, hard.

“You… want me to stop fighting?” He said the words slowly like he didn’t quite understand, like he didn’t want to understand.

“Yes,” I answered. For a moment he just stared at me, but then it was like I could see some kind of shield come over him.

“Fine, if that’s what you want I will stop fighting…” he said before storming out the door. I turned around and stared into the wall. Hippo’s are beautiful animals..

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