20. Be the bigger bitch

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What was kind of shocking was that I was almost looking forward to this. I would probably suck at it, but now we at least did something fun. And the best part was that we were all together.

Where I was expecting a big group to wait for us there was only two boys waiting impatiently. We stepped out of the cab and I threw Anna a glance. There was no need to ask the question she clearly got the message.

“Where are the rest Niall?” Anna asked she practically jumped towards him and gave him a sloppy kiss on the cheek. They both lit up when they saw each other.

“Eleanor was sick, so Louis staid in with her. Zayn and Perrie were never going, and Liam and Danielle would rather go to an amusement park close by,” Niall said with his wonderful accent.

“So it’s just us?” Harry asked, seeming a little skeptic but mostly happy. Niall nodded.

As we entered whatever you call where you play golf I spotted to Golf Karts waiting for us. That instantly cheered me up. Nothing in the whole wide word was more fun than driving around in them, or at least I thought so. I had never driven one, but a little car that’s easy to drive is a little car that’s easy to drive.

“Shotgun,” I said while pointing at Anna to make it clear that I was taking the wheel. Niall and Anna exchanged sad looks for a second, just like a friendly reminder that I just ruined their plans on driving together. Normally I would have felt bad, but right now I was too excited and Niall had stolen my friend enough.

Some very good driving later we were ready to start. This was why we had come, but as I stood there with my golfclub I felt my heart sink a bit. Niall, Harry and Anna picked golfclub and was about to start golfing. Me on the other hand stood there just looking at them.

Harry suddenly discovered that I just stood there and gave me a confused look. As he realized that I wasn’t totally sure what I was going to do he started smirking.

“Oh, a newbie, this can be fun,” he said to Niall while looking teasingly at me.

I might not know what to do, but I’ll at least make sure to wipe that stupid grin of Harry’s face. With confident moves I went to grab a golfclub, I pretended to measure it like I had any idea which to use. I could feel Harry’s eyes on me. Just because it felt good I made sure to swing my hips a little more and flip my hair one more time than usual as I walked back to them. In my mind this was already a competition, I had to be better than Harry.

As I was staring at the ball on the ground in front of me I really understood how lost I was.

Harry suddenly started, and to be honest the ball flew impressing long. Fuck… How could I compete with that?

Not surprisingly Anna made Niall help her. They stood doing the cute golf-helping-thing. They were standing in the shape of a spoon, while Niall was trying to teach her how to swing.

“I can do the same for you to you know,” Harry said with his cheeky grin.

“I’ve already got one hard club, wouldn’t want another one in my ass,” I answered and couldn’t stop my self from laughing. It was meant like a burn, but my laughter kind of ruined it. Whatever, still funny, I thought to my self as I practiced my swing.

“Just saying, you look a little lost,” Harry continued, still having his stupid grin on his face.

“I’m never lost,” I said determined. I ignored Anna’s sudden cough from where she stood, she probably disagreed in what I just said. I took a deep breath and took one final look at where I was hoping the ball would go before I took a full swing. It felt really powerful, and as I stood there trying to find my ball I was pretty pleased with my self.

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