12. Sometimes you just know you're going to die

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What really shocked me about the Bahamas was how fast it got dark. We just gotten inside are room after chilling by the pool and it was already dark.

“I’m sooo hungry!” Anna said as she stepped out of the bathroom. We both had dressed ourselves to go out to dinner. I nodded in agreement to caught up in my own thoughts to really care what she said.

“It was soo cute today, Niall and I was eating and we finished just at the same time! It was so sweet, and for a brief moment we just stared deeply into each others eyes,” Anna said excited.

“Cool,” I mumbled while I played with my hair. So much more comfortable with shorter hair.

“He even gave me one of his famous Horan hugs today!” she almost screamed.

“Oh really?” I asked clearly not interested. I could suddenly feel her eyes on my back. With the speed of lightning she was in front of me while staring at me.

“You don’t seem to care very much,” she said and I could hear some anger in her voice.

“Oh, I’m sorry! I forgot to jump and scream about him hugging you,” I said sarcastically.

“Why are you like that? Can’t you be happy for me?” she asked confused.

“Even if the hug was serious I just don’t see how your relationship could work, he’s busy all the time and you live far apart,” I said without exactly looking at her.

“Oh, I see, this isn’t about me and Niall. This is about you and Harry,” she said slowly. I shot my eyes up at her.

“What? No it’s not!” I said. Where the heck did she get things like that from?

“If you say so,” she said in a tone that made it clear that she didn’t believe me at all. “But anyway, if love is strong enough it can survive the most. Distance won’t be a problem, it would just be an opportunity to phonesex,” she said and laughed. Her laugh suddenly trailed of and she looked at me with en excusing look. “Speaking of Harry and Niall, they are on their way over. We are going to eat with them and the rest of the boys and their girls,” she said and tried to smile innocently.

“I’m not surprised,” I said and glared at her. Something about her just made me pissed off at the moment. Just because she and Niall was perfectly happy didn’t mean she had to drag me along. It was pretty obvious that the plan about getting Harry and I together again didn’t work.

“Please behave nicely, they’re you friends,” she said. I just shrugged while avoiding her look. I felt like a little girl that was being yelled at. I would be nice if I wanted to, not because she told me. The silence got interrupted by some knocking on the door.

“They’re here!” Anna said and almost jumped to the door.

“Tell them to wait, I’m not done with my make-up,” I said and went to the bathroom.

“Okay!” she said and I heard she opened the door. “Come in, Monica will be here in just a second!”

I heard them stepping in and the door closing. That I needed to fix my makeup was a complete lie, and I had no idea why I even said it. After staring at my self in the mirror I stepped out. Niall and Harry were both dressed up and watched me as I got out.

“Let’s go,” I said tiredly and stepped towards the door. Just as I was about to turn the key and open the door I noticed there wasn’t any key in the door.

“Anna where’s the key?” I asked her. She looked at me and smiled.

“I accidently broke it when I opened the door for Harry and Louis, we need to use yours,” she told me.

“Okay,” I said and went to my bed where my bag was laying. There was an awkward silence while I was searching through it. No one said anything, and I could feel them all looking at me.

“I can’t find it,” I said and looked nervously at Anna. She turned to Niall and looked surprised. Harry just stood there without any emotion showing in his face. For some reason he seemed really pissed.

“Oh that’s right, I left it at the table when I got in,” I said while going towards the table. As I realized the small was empty I threw myself at the floor. Where the hell was it?

“What are you doing?” Niall asked curiously.

“I can’t find it! Are you sure you didn’t take it Anna?” I asked while frantically searched the floor. Nothing was there.

“Yes, have you lost it?” she asked. I stood up and looked at them. The truth that I was pretty sure that I remembered the key, but our room wasn’t that big and it was nowhere to be found.

“Oh my god… This can’t be true!” I said before I started looking closely at my bed. As I lifted the pillow the lights turned off. “You’re not exactly helping me finding it,” I said to Niall who stood where the light switch were.

“I didn’t do anything,” Niall said and held his hands up. I looked at him.

“What?!” I asked starting to get stressed out. How would I ever find it if I didn’t have light?

“I think it’s a blackout!” Anna said. For a moment we all stared at each other. I was just standing there without knowing what to do, but then it struck me. Oh. My. Fucking. God.

We were stuck in this room all night until the morning when the cleaner came, and the best part of it all we were stuck with out light.

Not how it was planned - SequelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant