6. Too many surprises in a day

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“Liam!” I said as he pulled me in to a tight hug. What the hell? I was so shocked that I wasn’t able to close my mouth, not even when he looked at me.

“You cut your hair,” he said and studied me. I nodded and tried to smile. This was too much to take in.

“I tried calling you a couple of times,” he said and looked curiously at me with his brown eyes like he wondered why I didn’t call back. Seriously, he looked like a small puppy with big brown eyes. I felt a flash of guilt coming over me.

“Yeah, sorry. I’ve been really busy…” I said and avoided his eyes.

“So I heard you and Danielle have moved in together, congratulations,” I said changing the subject. He lit up and gave me a huge grin.

“Yeah!” I was so startled to see him that it was kind of hard for me to talk. What were the chances of meeting him here? That reminded me of something.

“What are you doing here?” I asked and just as I did I saw someone coming up behind him. Zayn!

“The boys and I have a vacation and we decided to go to Bahamas,” he said and smiled. Just as he finished his sentence I discovered that there were more than just one boy behind him. Suddenly tree boys stood up from their seats.

“That means…” my voice trailed of as I met Harry’s green eyes. The other boys became aware of our eye contact and waited for one of us to say something. I was so shocked that I wasn’t able to move. Memories flashed in front of me and I instantly got filled with very much emotion.

Zayn being the smart guy he was understood that both Harry and I were too shocked to do anything so he pulled me into a hug to stop the awkward silence.

“It’s been so long girl,” He said while hugging me. I agreed and tried to pull my self together. The boys each gave me a hug and as Harry closed in on me I could see that he was studying me.

“Hey,” he said silently. Louis suddenly disappeared, Niall said something about food and Liam and Zayn simply just walked a way. Harry and I watched them as they made their excuses before our eyes met again. It was like a flash of memories where shown in front of me. The two months I’d spend with him and the others kind of flashed inside my head. From the beginning until the part where he slept with Charlotte and when I left.

“So… um… I guess…” he started saying before he got interrupted by the speakers.

“Everyone return to their places, we will be landing in 5 minutes,” the voice said. I looked at Harry before turning away and practically running towards my seat.

“What happened to you, I thought you were going to change your shirt,” Anna said as I returned. I looked down. Fuck, the brown pattern was still there.

“I met… I just met One direction,” I said and looked at her. To my surprise Anna remained calm.

“You did?” she said and looked at me. She sounded excited, but I was expecting her to jump up and run towards them. Why wasn’t she already in Niall’s arms?

“I can not believe that it’s raining! Did we really travel all this way to sit and watch the rain?” I asked as I threw clothes out of my bag. Not even was it raining but it was very warm as well. I was sweating more than I ever did when I was actually training. Therefore I needed my mini shorts and a clean top. When I finally found it I threw off my other clothes, not bothering to go to the bathroom to change.

“Not to mention we ran into fucking One Direction! Seriously, what’s the chance of meeting them here? Not only just in the same place but the same hotel as well!” I said.

“Mhm, very strange,” Anna agreed. Something in her voice made me look at her. Her face wasn’t showing anything else than happiness.

“Oh my god,” I said.

“What?” she asked and looked at me. I just thought of something.

“This wasn’t a coincidence was it?” I asked. Anna looked like she was making a decision before she finally opened her mouth.

“I’m not going to lie, yes this was set up,” she said and looked at.

“WHAT?!” I screamed without even trying to contain my anger.

“Monica, just listen… We did this so you and Harry could get a chance…” she started but I interrupted her.

“You better be kidding! I can’t believe you! You went behind my back and lied me straight to my face. I thought we were friends!” I said and was so pissed off that almost threw something at her.

“I’m doing this to make you happy,” she said with an apologetic look in her eyes.

“Help me?” I snorted. “I don’t need ANY help from you. You did this for yourself so you could finally meet Niall!” I said.

“Monica, that’s not true,” she said.

“Shut up you selfish little bitch, how can I trust you when all you do is lie anyway?” I asked. Maybe I was taking it a bit to far calling her a bitch, but I wanted her to know how angry I was at her.

“Come on, I get that you’re upset but…” She started again but I interrupted her.

“Stay away from me,” I said. That was maybe overreacting but at the moment I was so furious that I had no idea what I was doing.

“That’s kind of hard when we live in the same apartment, not only here but home as well,” she said.

“Not for long,” I said and went out. I made sure to slam the door pretty hard to show her my anger. That fucking idiot. Who was she to decide that I needed help? I was completely fine without any help.

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