Chapter 27 - . . . .whose wedding?

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For all your reads, votes and for adding 'The One' to your reading lists/libraries, THANK YOU. You've all made me feel so good and so happy!!!! And, this story has stayed up at #33 loveatfirstsight tag up to 3:32am. I don't know what that means for it has stuck there 2, 3 days running now. Thankyou!!!!!!

"My life for the past ten years had all been hard work and hard work . . . and hard work . . . Gran. Mainly, though it was for Grandpere, and for myself, I've finally realized it now." I told Grandmere.

"The hotels were for Grandpere . . . all the hard work . . . the sweat . . . the dream . . . was for him . . . and for you Gran. It was all for you . . . that he built it."

"Yeah! His dream was all for his family. And as you're the youngest survivor, SIGoH, then is now yours to pass on to the next genertion, darling . . . don't you see that?" Grandmere pointed it out.

I smiled.

"I hope I shall truly deserve that legacy. It was built on love . . . and trust. Your love story was the most beautiful I've ever witnessed. I can attest to that, Gran."

"Uh huh! It was truly a love at first sight for us." Grandmere's face then took a faraway look like she was looking at someone.

"I've been unhappy for a very long time, Gran." I confessed to her.

"I didn't know how I'd managed myself without the company. The only way I knew was to be on the move or I'd drown in my own sorrow, in my pain, in my guilt until it grew like second skin to me. I breathe the company 24/7."

"It hurt me that I wasn't available for my family when they needed me the most. Anthony and Margaux could have been happier if I'd been around, and I could have given them my blessing. They could have been alive today.

"Oh, no! No! Ashton . . . there's no use going back and considering the what ifs . . . the what could have been. You've lived with your hurts a long time and it's time you let go of all of these."

"They've been gone a long time, both Ashton and Margaux. They would have wanted you to be happy too. you know." Grandmere said.

"They were on their way to their wedding. I am sure they've been so happy before that tragic accident. They just didn't see it coming. So, please . . . darling, please be happy for them. Bid them peace and happiness in your own happy terms now."

"Do you think, Gran . . . they would know?"

"I am certain. They were good persons, Ashton. They were just in love. They would have wanted you to be happy now, if they were here, as I am happy for you."

I enveloped Grandmere with a hug as I felt reconnected to my family. Not only with Grandmere and Nana, but so with the memories of Grandpere, Dad and Mom and Anthony and Margaux. Now I felt complete and whole. Now, I am ready to be happy for my future with Andrea, my princess!

"I'm really glad I decided to come home, Gran."

"I think I also want to thank your Andrea for bringing you back, my dear grandson. I want to see her soon, if that's possible."

"For a wedding? Why not? Now that you've given me the idea." I couldn't help smiling as the idea germinated in my mind.

"I heard you, I heard it! Whose wedding? Ashton, hmm? Now, you tell me." Nana arrived just in time to hear only the last part of what I was saying.

"Oh, Nana! Our boy here has yet to propose! And the wedding comes after the engagement! Okay?"

"I'm sure the CEO will make that proposal, the engagement and the wedding . . . hopefully within the month!"

"Nana!!! What were you thinking? There are so many to things to do to make a beautiful wedding happen. To do three events in a month is unthinkable."

"And, why ever not? Haven't you heard of wedding planners, event organizers . . . these days? They're just a call away!"

"Oh, Nana! You're such an angel!" Grandmere exclaimed.

And I gathered both Grandmere and Nana into a group hug. Happiness and excitement were all written in their faces.


Guys, I'm just so inspired that I finished two parts of my story today, though I had started the previous one the other day. This part just came out smoothly.

Here's hoping you'd find it enjoyable.

Thank you for getting this far with me.

Vote and do some comments, okay . . . PLEASE?

God bless everyone!


Till next chapter?

The One (completed)#1cleanromance O8.09.2018Where stories live. Discover now