V. Mr. Hat

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Fire. It was everywhere. Swallowing. Burning. Her eyes shot open. Stunned, she rested waiting for her heart to calm and rational return. A dream? Relieved she was back home in her room in her bed, she stretched her tight and achy limbs, sighing as tension ebbed from her.

"What's this?" she mumbled, spotting the light glow of her skin and sword. Was it real? Reaching a tentative finger forward, she lightly brushed the blade. It pulsated with energy.

"Crap!" Caelia exclaimed, noticing the sun peeking through the worn curtains.

How much time had passed? She was supposed to meet up with Ray today. She packed her satchel and traveling gear the night before, anxious about her new adventure. Still, a wistful slid past her lips as she snuggled underneath the thin blanket. This was the last time she would step foot in this room. Sadness swept through her as her eyes scanned her room, resting on the worn desk shoved in the corner. It would soon be another child sitting in that same spot, laying in this bed, living in her eer, this room. She held back the tears welling in her eyes. She would return once she was admitted into the academy. Starting today, she would pour her heart, soul, blood, and sweat into her training. Failure wasn't an option.

Disentangling herself from the blankets, she climbed out of bed and hurried towards the window. The clouds were moving in, rolling thunderously through the sky. That couldn't be good. Unease filled her, she'd better hurry. The old man was waiting. Besides, she doubted, he would accept an excuse of a little rain stopping her from meeting him. Throwing a pair of traveler's pants and tunic, she pulled her wild curly hair back into a low ponytail, and hurried downstairs.

It was awful quiet around here. Where were the children? She prepared to call out to Serenity when she heard voices coming from her office.


"I'm here to inquire about an adoption. I heard there was a teenage girl here. Possible female."

"I'm sorry the child you're asking about is no longer here. She aged out of the system. The young ones don't interest you?"

Serenity didn't like the stranger, something about the man felt off. She prayed Caelia didn't come down the stairs and into her office, making a liar out of her.

All this time, no one ever sought to adopt Caelia even though she was a beautiful child. It simply stunned her.

The man wore a long black trench coat with black boots peeking out from under it. An odd smell came from him, and his eyes albeit brown, were quite empty. A large trilby hat sat atop his head masking his facial features. Wasn't he hot in that thing? This was Ravana. Maybe he prepared for the storm. Serenity really didn't care. Trying to study the man once more, she frowned. It was like looking through a fogged glass and thick smoke. Her eyes slid away from him.

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