XXII. Swollen Bellies pt II

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Noah felt the blisters burst on his feet from all the walking. He could no longer hear anything or feel anything for that matter. His eyes burned from the endless tears that dried on his face, and his throat ached. Must find shelter. Safe place. His tiny feet moved forward one after each other in a robotic desperate broken pace, and his eyes were blank. Even the moon refused to lend its light on this dark dreary night. He walked a path of overwhelming darkness, light a non-existent entity. Noah wasn't even sure where he was going anymore. All he wanted was Sammy and Caely. He never asked for anything. He was always a good boy. Maybe he shouldn't have left his friend behind. But Sammy told him to go!

"Samuel," he sobbed, wishing to see the boy's light brown eyes. Now, he thirsted. He searched for the flask and realized it must've been lost when those things were chasing them. He stumbled, scarping his knees against the hard earth.

"It's so dark." He croaked, curling on the ground. His small hands were chilled and wished with all his heart that he could find a safe place. He needed help. He had to wait. Wait, why was he here? He was so surprised to encounter the freezing temperatures when they lived in a desert wasteland. Even he was smart enough to realize that with his small legs he didn't come very far. What if those things came back! With that terrifying thought, he pulled his exhausted body from the ground and pressed forward. Noah didn't want to disappear. He wanted to live.

Soon Noah's body began to tremble. He was so small. It wasn't like he could hold body heat. He didn't have an adult size body to fight of sickness and infections. His clothes were soaked and the coldness seemed to seep into his bones. Soon the tremors overtook him, and he had no choice but to stop. Was he going to freeze to death? A thin layer of ice formed on his lips, his teeth chattered, the scrapping sound driving him mad. Noah was terrified Serenity was going to catch him and drag him back to those demons. Terror careened through him, freezing his limbs in place. His heart raged within his chest while blood roared in his ears drowning out the surrounding sounds. Noah dry heaved, wishing for safety once more before passing out.


Samuel watched as Noah's small form disappeared into the night. His eight-year-old body trembled from the strain of using this earth power. He never imagined that he'd be able to do something so cool. He was glad that Noe got away. This was something that he was supposed to handle as the oldest. This was what he told himself mentality, but deep down he was scared. He wished to run along and away with Noah. Although there were only two, they began to make weird noises and Samuel was afraid they were calling for backup. He wished that he believed Noah from the beginning. Even if he did, would it have made a difference?

The demons had wrapped their limbs around their round body and began to roll against the earth as if they could break through. When the first crack appeared in the mountain, he groaned as if he could feel the blow physically. He wiped the dribble of blood from his mouth. Samuel grinned, he used to think something was wrong with him. He couldn't understand how all the other children got adopted and he was left behind. Then he met Caelia who'd been there all her life. She was the light of the orphanage. She made everything glow and lifted all their hearts. If she could be happy so could he; in that instant, he swore he would become a role model for all the other children.

Then Noah came to them in the middle of the night. His eyes were empty and he was so thin. Everyone thought he was a mute, but Samuel preserved and was rewarded with a small smile from Noah. He remembered grabbing Noah's tiny hand and taking him to Caelia. Samuel could sense the tension leaving Noah when he met Caelia. It was the kind of presence she had. But once she left, things changed. It was subtle.

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