XVIII. Potentials

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Warning: This chapter is completely unedited. 

Caelia stood along with a group of thirteen other students. A simple wooden desk sat at the front of the classroom while rolls of tables lined perfectly in an orderly fashion. Caelia was more interested in the medallion image graved into the classroom floor. She wished she had more time to study the it, but the professor entered.

"Good. I see you've all gathered. I am Professor Xuros"

A small man entered the classroom. He was average in height but his eyes were an interesting pair, a pale mint green. A sharp contrast to Saniyah's father's which were a leafy green. Ugh. She wanted to bang her head against the table. She still couldn't believe she challenged a clan master. That meant Saniyah was the equivalent of a princess.

Her professor's skin was as pale as milk and his hair cropped closely to his head. It made his eyes seem larger than normal and all seeing. She shivered. She watched with interested as he mumbled under his breath and a small glass orb appeared on the desk.

"This is called a Kleti. This is a tool used to assess one's magical abilities." A slight thrill went through Caelia at the professor's words. Did that mean they would be doing magic today?

"No. Today we will simply determine your magical capabilities."

She felt the rush of excitement leave her as well as the other students.

"We must understand magic before we began to use it. Its nature and abilities. You don't pick up just any old weapon, do you? The weapon is an extension of you. You study it, weigh it, feel it in your grasp. The same can be said for magic," the professor said as his eyes flickered around his students before settling on Caelia. He smiled at her naivety.

"Alright, form a line." The girl was one of the only first years who carried a weapon. He'd heard of her victory over Miss Allencourt. The gossip raced wildly around the school. Everyone's eyes were on her whether she knew it or not. He chuckled at her challenge toward the Master of the Rye clan. The man was a strange one. He could incinerate a person on the spot. He would be a dangerous opponent. Once the students were lined accordingly he began.

"Step forward."

Caelia watched as a young male step forward. His skin rich brown in color reminding her of delicious milk chocolate; mature light brown eyes rested on his face as short black coils flowed sporadically on his head. He was quite handsome. Saniyah dug her elbow into Caelia's side as if she read her mind; she bit back a smile.

"Name please."

"Darius Stronghold," his deep voice rumbled into the quiet classroom.

"He certainly is strong," Saniyah whispered into her ear. Caelia had to agree. His muscles looked barely restrained. He wasn't bulky, but tall.


"Xif," he replied staring at the strange orb.

"Go on. Pick it up," the professor said. Darius took a step forward and pick up the glass looking orb. The second his fingers connected with the device it flared to life. a heat bled through his fingertips moving up his fingers and through the rest of his body. Darius broke out into a sweet. The orb continued to shine as bright as lava that bubbled in the volcanic regions of Lucent Fyre, before engulfing the room in light.

"Powerful." The professor said smiling secretly at Darius as he removed the orb from the boy's hand. Darius shook his head to rid himself of his dizziness. It didn't help much.

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