XXXIV. Fateful Encounter

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Feeling the strange sensation of the thread of magic beneath her feet intrigued her. The lanuae wasn't busy.

"What time is it?"

"Nightfall," Master Ryusen replied.

"But it was sunny out?" she added, hurrying to keep up with him.

"The academy wants to keep any information pertaining to you sealed. You will return with Saniyah to your room, and you are not to discuss the prophecy with anyone. Not even Saniyah."

"Okay," she mumbled.

"Information can be cruel at times. It's great to be informed and yet too much could mean instant death."

"Yes sir."
"Your team will meet tomorrow, and will be briefed by general Volker."

She nodded, frowning when they stopped in front of a wall.

"A hidden passageway that would take you to other parts of the academy approved by the teleportation array."

"Like the lanuae?"

"Similar. Yes."

She stepped forward confused when he did not follow.

"But where are you," she started, but then a strange cerulean color exploded, the color cascading up in the entryway where Master Ryusen stood, and then he was gone.

"Omph!" she grunted out. A strong grip jerked her forward, and she collided into a pair of breasts.

"Welcome back."

"Girl, you're going to suffocate someone with those things, she said, pulling back.

"You're one to talk."

She rolled her eyes secretly happy to be back, and see the vivacious young warrior.

"So tell me, how was Agnimitra?"

"Gods, it's amazing!" she exclaimed, stars leaping in her eyes. "Your home is insane! I've never seen anything like it! The grass was blue! And the trees on fire, but not burning!" she grinned.

"Yup, everything has a fire attribute."

"It's like a whole another realm!"

"It sorta kinda is. People calling it a region of Divergona, but it's practically a realm within itself. Just a smaller one. The same could be said for Hasanii. If it's anything like Agnimitra is going to be my worst enemy"

"Why do you say that?"

"Hello! Ryse clan here, fire?"

"Oh," she said feeling silly."

"You should be fine though, even if something did happen with the phoenix claim," Saniyah added taking off her boots.

Caelia moved her weapon from her back, planting it next to her bed, by the headboard for easy access.

"Don't you have the Enix?" she said without thinking.

"No way, did you see it?!" Saniyah said excitedly folding her legs beneath her.

Should she even mention the Enix king? Master Ryusen did warn her about saying too much.

"I did only because he was with a little boy at the time."

"Must be my cousin. I have interacted with them before. But stranger,"

"What?" Caelia said absorbed by Saniyah's words as she paused in removing her leather armor.

"I met a man," she trailed off.

"What?!" she squeaked, her face warming up. What would she do if she met the man of her dreams? Did Cal even count, but that was stupid. She couldn't be crushing on herself.

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