XX. Awakening

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She was a far cry from the beautiful palace, where she reigned as Harbinger in Swyncrest, the land in the sky. She knew this was the fate she was destined to from the beginning of time. Rubbing her swollen body, she sunk into the lush shell bed. When she first appeared, the cave had been dark, dreary and dank; however, with her abilities and the help from water sprites, she was able to turn the once dark and dreary cave into her home. The sprites were welcome to come and go as they pleased and this had become a home to many spirits; all of those who sought refuge. It was thanks to the spirits that this place remained hidden and protected.

"Nereus," she smiled, looking at the beautiful man caressing her belly. He planted a kiss on her forehead, before curling around her belly, careful not to put any pressure against her stomach. She dreaded her next words.

"I must go; we are running out of time."

"I will not let you go." Her heart drummed in her chest. He wouldn't keep her here, he off all people knew that prophecies were not to be tampered with. She stared into his eyes which were a stormy grey. They reflected the emotions that raged within him. She had to make a hard choice. She would leave him behind.

Spotting the emerald color blazing in his eyes, she gulped. He wouldn't! "Nereus you mustn't! Darling the prophecy!" She shouted desperately. She watched wide eyed as a large body of water rushed into the palace, engulfing her. Even now, she still thought he was glorious. Raven colored hair stretched down his back, dancing around him. Beautiful crystals adorned his hair and body. Melodious tunes drowned out her thoughts and sounds, lulling her into an eternal sleep.

"Caelia. Caelia!"

She jerked in her sleep as Saniyah's elbow dug into her side.

"Thanks," Caelia hissed back as the professor walked into the room. She didn't understand that dream at all. Who was Nereus? Sea warriors? Was it possible? She learned from yore that there were five realms. Divergona, a neutral ground for supernaturals and non-magical folk. This was the realm she lived in. Where this Academy, Soturi existed. Then there was Alithura where the royal family resided and people with powerful abilities. Clan masters' strongholds were located on Divergona because of its neutrality. Aether was the spirit realm and the only way to visited was by death. No thank you. She would like to pass. Syncrest was where the seers lived. A land in the sky. She also learned this was a place where those known as conjurors lived as well. And lastly was the Vadac Plains—a realm that Ray warned her about long ago. But what the hell was Orad. Ray mentioned it before. From his reaction she was afraid to breathe the word. She supposed she would have to do some digging on her own. It was mindboggling to discover she'd been living under a rock all this time. Wait until she told the children!

"You okay?"

"It's just a lot to take in." she said thinking of the various realms.

"When we're able to visit family to prepare for the ball. I can take you home with me."

"Ah, the last thing I want to do is run into your father. Why didn't you tell me you were the daughter of a clan master?" she griped at Saniyah.

"Don't be mad. Besides, you didn't even know what a clan master was."


"Come on Caely. You can't blame me. I really wanted to keep a low profile. People will often try to use you to gain some sort of access in power. Or worse, the duels would keep coming, because they want to experience defeating Melchoir Ryusen's daughter. My father is a very powerful man. Even as a clan master, my father is uncommonly powerful. There are a lot of people who desire to see him fall. Although most don't have the nerve to say it to his face."

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