XXVIII. Agnimitra

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It's been a while... 

Grumbling, she shuffled down the hall taking the path toward the large barn where Master Thane should be or that idiot. She'd rather be in her duck feather bed sleeping, but she didn't want Master Thane to think she didn't show up for work. Not to mention, she was supposed to be leaving with Saniyah's dad in the morning.

"The flowers are so pretty and the land full of vitality. It's got to be amazing to be here," she mumbled, squinting into the distance. Caelia moved toward the stables pausing when she heard whispering.

"You must convince her. If I can bind her to me, my power would be unstoppable."

What? Tucking herself between the side of the horses stable and the barn she held her breath. She didn't recognize the voice, but it sounded powerful. She strained to hear the other voice but it was impossible. Who were they talking about? Had evil breached the academy's walls? She didn't want to stick around to find out. Crab walking backward until she deemed it safe enough, and she sprinted away.

"Oomph!" she grunted colliding into a solid chest. Caelia bounced back landing on the hard pavement.


"Roy!" she whined standing. "What are you doing here?" her eyes slid up to meet his brown ones but she balked, they seemed almost hallow like the life was being sucked out of them.

"Shouldn't that be my question? Students aren't permitted after hours."

"You okay?" she asked reaching for him only to frown when he knocked her hand away.

"Never mind that, what are you doing here?"

"I didn't want Master Thane to think I'd abandon my duties, but I'm going to be away for a few days."

"Where ya going?"


"Why?" Roy asked folding his arms watching her with an unreadable expression.

"Master Ryusen is going to train me."

"What? The clan head?" he asked with an excited gleam in his eyes.

"Yes, but I don't think I'm going to be able to come back here."


And she frowned at the empty eyes lurking in his eyes. She thought he didn't even like her.

"Come step over here by the trees," he said urgently looking around them as if someone were listening.

"What's wrong, Roy? Maybe I can help."

"Tch, you can't even help yourself. You're still a brat. And, I'm weak."

"You're sick?!" Caelia stared as he started to seize against the tree before crumpling to the ground. "Oh gods! I'm going to get some help!" she squealed sitting him up against the tree.

"No!" he rasped clasping her hand tightly. It felt like it would crumble underneath his hold. How strong was he?! "Tell Ryusen, the claws in the Lynear."

"What does that even mean?!"

"Just go! And don't forget it! And girl, never come here after nightfall. Some things are worse than death."

Caelia shivered suddenly recalling the strange conversation near the barn. She needed to leave and now!

"I won't forget you," she mumbled leaving him gasping for air against the tree. She didn't understand the sudden urgency but her instincts had never been wrong and she trusted them implicitly. As she raced away from the farm she felt the icy claws of death on her and it terrified her. Something was wrong and the horror of it was so great that she was incapable of speaking about it. Had she been cursed?!

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