XIV. The Chalice

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Entering the grand hall, her head swiveled back and forth taking in the sight of colossal archway and rolls of tables and benches where other new faces like her own were set to join her. She dallied in the entrance not exactly sure where she should sit.

White marble floors gleamed under the light of the sun pouring in from arched floor to ceiling windows behind a single podium. Looking towards her right she observed another table covered by cloth that stretched from one side of the room towards the other end. Taking a step closer, she could see the cooks hustling about in the kitchen, preparing dishes their frowns permanent as they focused on their work. Her mouth dropped as the prepared dishes began to float out of the kitchen and settle on the table in an elegant fashion. How?

"Cool isn't it."

Caelia had been so on focus on studying what was occurring in the kitchen that she completely let her guard down. She whipped around and settle her golden eyes on the intruder.

"Wow, wow, wow. I mean no harm," the guy said backing away from her with his hands up.

Her hand itched for her sword and she stomped the feeling down. Instead, she studied him.

He possessed dark brown eyes that held a glow of their own, a five o'clock shadow added to the allure while short raven colored hair covered his head. His lips were a rosy red. They were plump and a feature she did not expect a guy to have. There clearly was something in the air. Had people always been good looking? Still she remained unperturbed by him.

"Who are you?" she asked suspicion laced in her tone.

"I'm the third year student president," he said trying to calm her. He was surprise at her behavior, she was like a rabid animal. Usually girls were falling at his feet, not treating him like he had an unwanted disease.

"What do you want?" She asked her eyes sweeping over his fancy silver battle armor, only stopping to rest on the double swords at his waist.

Another swordsman.

Her hackles rose spotting the disbelief in his eyes. She frowned as he burst into laughter.

"This is classic. Okay kid. We're on neutral territory. Relax." Caelia flushed in embarrassment. What on earth was wrong with her? She sighed attempting to run her hands through her hair only to remember she had it tied up high, so her right hand fell and hung lamely at her side. It was then she realized she was the only person in the chamber hall. His wanting to converse with her made sense now. Why was she so awkward?

Her eyes shifted towards the ceiling so she wouldn't have to look him in the eye. Why was this guy still here? Why was she still here?

Why did the school waste money on such fancy chandeliers? They were like crystals strewn all over the ceiling. It probably was a sight to behold when night fell.

"No harm done." He'd hurt her feelings. Why won't she look at him? "My name is Lucas," he said holding his hand out. No harm done.

When her firm grip clasped around it and he finally got a chance to look her in the eyes, he was taken aback by the golden light coming from her. His magic hummed underneath his skin. He could feel the fire building up within him. She was the sun.

Soturi Academy: Secret's LostOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz