XXXVII. Demon Subjugation

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Focusing on the thicket in between the branches, Caelia saw it. Three scorching eyes staring at her in harrowing excitement. Her flesh puckered in response, and she clutched the pommel of her sword tighter. It's chasmal mouth stretched mockingly, and she swallowed thickly at the rolls of sharp teeth within its cavern. Three horns jutted out from its inflated head. The wind blew and she spoke, quietly, her muscles tensed.

"How many are there?"

"Ten?" Saniyah grunted out. "We must silence them in the event they summon more allies."

She gulped thinking about a horde of demons approaching them.

"Anyone got a plan?" Victoria questioned.

"Survive," David mumbled.

"Anyone ever heard of these creatures or their weaknesses?" Saniyah asked, her eyes never leaving their targets.

"Demonology doesn't happen until later in the year," Constantine mumbled.

"I've studied some demons, but nothing like these," Saniyah said with an edge in her voice. "Looks like they're moving into some sort of formation."

"These are called Tremblin," Constantine said, his hand resting on the hilt of his katana. "They are low-class demons and are a scavenger type. It's unusual to see them in packs unless they are hunting for food."

"Great, we're the food source," Victoria snorted.

"This is good, we should be able to handle this." Saniyah exclaimed, "We haven't had any mock battles, so everyone, do what feels natural and try to help each other." Saniyah said, her eyes sweeping around them.

"Everyone's goal should be to take out one Tremblin. Saniyah and I will deal with two." Darius' voice rang out.

"That leaves one leftover," Caelia replied, her blood boiling in her veins at the thought of battle once more.

"You can handle two, right, sugarplum?" Saniyah grinned noting the gleaming entering Caelia's eyes.

"Sure, why not," she replied, feeling the blood fizzled in her veins, the thrill rising in her.

"Move out!" Saniyah commanded.

Swinging the sword forward, she felt as if lava were flowing through her veins. The demon hiding in the thicket launched itself at her, and Caelia grinned. It was a head shorter than her with thick arms and knobby knees. Constantine never did elaborate on a weakness, but her thrill for battle made that notion inconsequential. Its skin was a rich shade of red, while the yellow eyes glowed in the moonlight. This creature could not compare to the sorvack she faced in the demon realm. Still, when its fists collided with the sword, she was surprised to feel its power ripple along the blade of the sword. She thought her wrist would snap.

"Be careful," Saniyah shouted, "these demons pack quite a punch."

The clearing was filled with the clashing of weapons and the gurgle sounds from the demons they faced. Relief poured through her when Saniyah defeated one of the demons she faced, her spear tearing through its chest cavity. She shuddered and cursed, as her opponent was right in front of her. There really wasn't any time for her to react, and she berated herself for losing her focus in the middle of a battle. Still, as the demon's sharp claws flew at her poised to tear her throat open, her entire body erupted in flames burning the demon until nothing remained. Just as quickly as the flames burst from her they disappeared leaving her feeling weak. But she couldn't afford to be weak at this moment, she promised Saniyah that she would take two.

"Vermin!" Victoria hissed, slicing her enemy at the throat.

"Aim at their joints!" Arthur added.

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