XXIV. Inner Circle

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He was thankful the business along the merchants' market had finally wrapped up. Ever since he received the letter from Serenity, things haven't gone quite well. An unsettling feeling had settled into his gut, since encountering the strange woman. Something was going on, occurring right under his very nose. Bryn never gave any thought to his blank past, but since meeting Caelia as a young child, his world revolved around her. He thought of taking her many times as his, but he was uncertain about the needs of a young child... a young female child.

She was no longer a child and was due to age out of the orphanage soon. He would take her under his wing, and train her. She would be able to come along on his many adventures and he could show her the world.

He saddled his horse and climbed atop of it. He was ready to get away from Ravana. It was strange that an orphanage would exist in such a wasteland, but the children thrived there and Bryn enjoyed giving Caelia money to treat the children. Bryn was aware that she was a hero in their eyes. Her leaving the orphanage would be devastating. He would be sure to come back occasionally; maybe he would keep in touch with the merchant's market. His trip would take longer than usual. He prepared a mare for Caelia.

He paused, drinking greedily from the canteen. The water flowed down his parched throat revitalizing him. He couldn't recall Ravana being this hot. It was as if the sun were angry at him. He squinted his eyes hoping the orphanage would come into view.

"The sun's playing tricks on my eyes." He slid the canteen back into his pouch when his stallion reared on its hind legs.

"What is going on?" Grabbing the reins, he pulled getting control of the horse. What on Divergona could've spooked this male? His eyes scanned the desert terrain before locking onto the small form laying buried partially under the earth. The earthed crawled across a small body covering it. Was he/ she alive? Climbing of his horse, his flesh puckered when his feet hit the ground, causing a small cloud of dust to rise. He cautiously moved toward the other side and his breath shortened when he spotted the young child's nose exposed. They might be alive.

Pain assailed Bryn, the pressure started at his temples, before traveling toward the corner of his eyes. Damn it! Clutching his head, he dropped to his knees his vision flickering between the present and a bloody battlefield. He wheezed, the passage of his throat closed while his heart hummed, flitting wildly about in his chest.

"No!" he bellowed, shoving the memory aside. He needed to take care of this child.


"Look around you," Professor Xander stated, his eyes sweeping the field. "The seven of you will form one group. You will eat together, breathe together, and fight together." He added as he paced around the students studying each other. "I suggest you get to know one another." He kept his face blank. The pressure from Vanguard to increase their numbers for manpower due to a spike of attacks in Divergona, riding him. Just what were the clan masters doing?

"Miss Ninarth, a word please."

She gave Saniyah a curious look who shrugged her shoulders in response before returning to the classroom.

"It's come to my understanding that you defeated Miss Allencourt during the entrance exam," he said crossing his arms with a grave look on his face.

Uh. Oh. Was she in trouble? Was the count after her in retaliation?

"Yes," she said carefully, still unsure where this conversation was going. Couldn't this wait until after their lesson?

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