XXXII: Under the Moonlight Glow

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A little short. meh.

Appearing in the throne room from a lanuae that only a few knew of, he rubbed the back of his neck to release the tension erupting beneath the skin. His eyes glowed in the darkness of the throne room taking in the many archways and elaborate décor. He hurried toward the secret meeting rooms located behind a sacred scroll resting on a golden plate attached to the wall. Picking up the scroll, he watched as the golden shelf melted away replaced by a small slit that grew until a man of his size could fit. Stepping through, his eyes collided with the group of people sitting at a U-shape tape with his King, Queen, and Royal heir at the center. The only person missing was the clan master of the Xif clan, Callais Firmis.

"Irreversible harm has been done," Klaus started as he took his seat. "Affirmative action must be taken to counter the demon's infiltration."

"We have been exposed," Iana added, "There's no doubt that Alexey will become a target because of the power he wields. The demons are even aware of its magnitude."

"Tell us more of the young woman, we've yet to hear anything more," Rane of the Dihr clan added, his green eyes glittering in the low undertones of lighting.

"The child's prophecy is linked to the one young lady Marciella gave, which indicates," he added his eyes shifting toward Alexey, "that she is the young master's partner, his mate."

Everyone observed the happiness emitting from the young prince and a weight seemed to be removed from the room.

"Are you sure?" Klaus added, not wanting to give his son false hope.

"Yes, the prophecy was clear, she could only prosper with a partner," Melchoir said while rubbing his chin. "Their lines of the prophecy were identical, however, the girl will make a choice that will either lead to the restoration of balance," he said, choosing his words carefully, "or cause the destruction of worlds."

"How is her personality, Melchoir?" Iana asked curiosity pouring from her.

"She is quite inquisitive. I envision her and young Marciella becoming fast friends quickly. Their nature is quite similar. However, she is as close as a sister to Saniyah and is fierce in battle. Saniyah's even noted a certain gleam that enters her eyes when she battles."

"This is great!" Klaus boomed, "She possesses the qualities to act as the keeper."

"What do you think, Izuma?" the queen inquired, giving the master of assassins the floor.

"I'm not sure, I've yet to meet this young woman. I would need more background information."

"The child comes from the orphanage," Melchoir added.

"Another one is she perhaps connected to the young male in my care. What is her name?"

"Caelia Ninarth."

"Caelia for Caely," Izuma mulled aloud. "The two are connected!"

"The phoenix emperor has claimed her as a child of his own, in addition, the Enix King appeared before her."

"Then she could be possibly be connected to the gods," Rane added.

"Why don't we bring the girl here?!"

"No!" Alexey exclaimed, interrupting the speculation around him.

"Her mind, it must be in turmoil, too much is happening far too quickly. She'll break."

"He does make an excellent point."

"We'll meet at the ball. I'll have another fire day to wait.

"What of our plans to address the situation with Callais Firmis?" Iana continued after the decision had been reached.

"What I believe happened is the person Caelia encountered must be a soul fragment of Callais Firmis. The demon posing as him must be wearing some sort of amulet that also contained an additional fragment of his soul within it. The key is trying to determine the number of fragments, and the mastermind behind the demon containing the soul fragment."

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