Chapter XXIX: Carriers and the Enix

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Caelia followed Yorlulah to her room and gasped taking in the two large trees in the entryway and the vines along the walls and ceiling.

"This place is like a jungle."

"Thank you, it's earthy. If you haven't noticed Melchoir loves all things in nature."

"Your home is beautiful," she said her eyes trailing along the earthy greens, beiges in whites in the room. "What's that?" she asked pointing at a large white cauldron.

"It is used for bathing purposes."

"What about the vials on that shelf?" It oddly reminded her of the magic shop near the academy.

"Those are potions. They are used for medicinal purposes, for strengthening and healing the body."

"This is basic knowledge."

"Oh," she said, meekly. "I grew up in an orphanage in Ravana." She hated the way her eyes darted to the floor and how she couldn't hold Yorlulah's gaze. Then cursed herself, she wasn't supposed to say anything about Ravana. Then again, the headmaster knew so he would be bound to know unless he forgot. Damn it. Her lies were catching up to her. Everyone thought she was from Midmere!

"Eh?" she exclaimed when Yorlulah's hand slammed down on her shoulder.

"Never hold your head down in shame! There are people, even warriors who may not have survived the Inferna Tundra. Everyone accumulates experience in this lifetime. We all have different impressions, sensory, and our own biases that influence our actions and mental thought processes. It is pushing through these things that allows us become knowledgeable. So be proud of where you come from. You have a story to tell!"

She nodded dubiously while letting her words wash over her. She was right!

"So," she started. "What about those weird nest looking things attached to the roof of the houses?"

When she saw Yorlulah smile, Caelia grinned. She'd made the right choice.

"After you bathe. I have the ladies prepare your bath and attire."

"Eh?" she exclaimed watching the wicked gleam in her eye, reminding her of Saniyah.

"You're such a beautiful girl, Caelia. In this house full of men, it's only natural that I would want to dote a little on you."

"W-wait, that's not necessary. I-I think," she started backing away "I hear Master Ryusen calling my name," she said, sweating profusely while her eyes darted around the room looking for an escape. The window. Running towards the window, she magic surged through her veins as she leaped forward shattering the glass.

"I'm free!" she shouted in elation running towards the clearing, spotting Master Ryusen with the little boy from earlier.

"Master!" she hollered running full speed toward him. Forgoing on formalities, she threw herself at him wrapping her legs and arms around him. "Don't let her take me!" she wailed.

"Hold her there, honey!"

In her panic, Caelia hadn't felt Yorlulah's magic snaking around her waist. Her eyes dropped down to Master Ryusen who had the nerve to shrug. "Yoh, rules all," he mumbled.

"You traitor!" she screamed as the force of the magic ripped her away from him towards the window and her room.


Caelia sat quietly while Yorlulah squealed hovering over her and the group of women that were attending her.

"You are so beautiful! You dare to hide such beauty!" she huffed while smiling motherly at her.

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