XIX. Royals

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Alexey drank greedily from the glass of water left for him by a servant. He heard the whispers about his cold nature. He was more reserved. He'd never forget the dream he had. Perrin, seeking forgiveness from the gods as his body was torn apart by his own power. Alexey had yet to tell anyone of what happened. He was afraid. The sting of betrayal was clear from Perrin. Someone had anger the gods and goddesses. The battle that ravaged Orad had come out of nowhere. He was eight and possessed such knowledge. Even his parents weren't aware of this ability. This unbearable burden of wisdom.

His power was increasing at an alarming rate, and at this point, he was stronger than his father. He worked hard to bury it but it was becoming increasingly so. This power, it sought another. He knew it was just a matter of time before he encountered his counterpart. It was why he remained silent about his mother throwing another ball. This time they would be heading to Divergona. He was anxious to see this realm. The realm where non-magic folk resided with those who possessed it.

He welcomed the glorious rays of the sun on his bare chest. Alithura was a realm where those with powerful abilities lived under the watchful eye of the royal family. It was a realm where the gravitational force was so strong that it would crush an ordinary person into dust. The power pressure would be too strong for them. He remembered in his younger days when he longed to visit Divergona—the realm where non-magical folk resided and acted as a neutral ground for magic folk to live peacefully. It was before the visions of the war tearing Orad apart consumed him. Now, it was as if Orad had never existed. No one seemed to remember. It was strange and yet terrifying. With Perrin's betrayal tearing through him, Alexey wasn't even sure he could trust his own family with such knowledge. Now, Mari was having visions of a new Soturi rising—it scared him. The Soturi was the last defense for the Royals, and if the royal family fell, then the link between Aether and the Vadac Plains would be exposed. He shuddered at the thought. He shouldn't dwell on such things.

He needed confidence. While he was confident in his power, he wasn't so confident in people. It made him cold. Detach. He needed his counterpart. He stretched his muscles, his bones popping as he thought of the mounting work. He was going to have to go through new registrants' paperwork. Alexey hated paperwork. He rather be out in the fields training.

Alexey used the cloth left behind by the household staff to wipe the sweat and grime off. He was getting tired of the restraint. Anxiety to have the ball be underway clawed at him. He really couldn't wait any longer.

"Alexey, the masters have arrived." He nodded his head in confirmation at the second oldest—seventeen-year-old Luka. Would he betray him like Perrin was betrayed? Why was that accursed memory, vision bothering him now?

"I'll be there shortly."

Luka paused at his brother's words. When did he become like this? He wanted his hero back! Alexey was his world and suddenly he woke up one morning this person. Had he been possessed? Before Luka could stop himself the words were pouring out of his mouth.

"I don't know what I did to make you this way, but I want my brother back! Give him back to me! I'm sick of this!" He wanted to bang his head into the dirt ground for crying like a newborn babe, but he couldn't take it anymore! Something was going on and they needed to band together as a family. Ivan told him about the royal wolves hunting an intruder in the forest who vanished without a trace.

Trying to control his tears, Luka continued, "We need to band together. There's something fishy going." He flushed an embarrassing red shade. What seventeen-year-old boy sobbed like his younger sister when her feelings were hurt? Luka was truly disgusted with himself. He didn't get a response from Alexey. He turned on his heels to run when a large warm hand came down atop his head. It rested there providing warmth and reassurance. It was the same as when they were small children. Luka was so surprised that his tears dried up instantly.

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