XL. Aftermath

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Her nose twitched and she swallowed thickly coughing, the saliva dripping out of her mouth and onto the floor. Geez, it was hot in here. Caelia's eyes flew open and she froze, staring at the space around her. The weird shape urn was leaking black goo, and the portrait of the phoenix burned.

"Cal!" she gasped, saliva pooling in her mouth. Where was he! And why was this place burning?!

"What's going on?" she choked out, squinting through the plume of smoke filling the space. No matter how much she called he didn't appear. Terror poured through her as the black goo in the urn bubbled.

"What is this stuff?!" she squealed when one of the bubbles burst and flecks of the sticky liquid landed on her. It burned! Her hand landed on her forearm covering the spot where the sticky liquid landed. Her body pulsated with some strange energy and she jerked awake.

"You are a real piece of work."

Caelia blinked rapidly trying to figure out what happened. She fought Serenity, and Saniyah. "Saniyah!" she yelled sitting up quickly only for the world to sway and she flopped back down onto the hard ground.

"Give it a rest, Herold," Darius smooth voice cut in.

Caelia turned her head, frowning. She was laying on some makeshift bed made out of straw, nestled at bottom of the tower Darius and David created earlier. She licked her lips, her throat particular parched, but inquiring about Saniyah was more important.

"Saniyah?" she croaked, tears swelling in her eyes recalling the attack. Afraid to hear the answer, she held her breath.

"Will live," he said, studying her with piercing clear hazel eyes. She shuddered, they seemed to stare into her soul, and not in a good way.

"No thanks to you!" Victoria added, angrily.

"I know," she mumbled, throwing her arm over her eyes.

"You don't know anything!" Victoria shouted. Caelia's head turned toward her foot steps and stared as she stood over her.

"You rushed off into battle without thinking about anyone!" she screamed. And Caelia squinted, hating the truth ringing through her words. "We all risked our lives for you! For the children of this orphanage! And you nearly got us killed! You know nothing about strategy and warfare! You're nothing without that sword!" She hissed, attempting to kick the gleaming broadsword lying next to her. The sword ripped with energy and sent Victoria flying back into the earth post. Her body slammed into it, sending small cracks through the tower before sliding down to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Caelia asked, sitting up. It only made Victoria angrier.

"And that's another thing, if the crown prince hadn't come," she gasped, "to think you would fall into blood—"

"That is enough!" Darius bellowed, his eyes swirling with power, staring at Victoria. Arthur floated down from atop of the tower to land beside her.

"What's going on here?" he asked.

"It seems Miss Herold has forgotten her place."

"But Darius!" she pleaded.

"No!" he bit out. "Not. Another. Word. It's you who does not understand the circumstance. I agree, that Miss Ninarth relies on her," his eyes shifted toward the sword before landing on her, "too much on her weapon, but she has received proper training in order to wield it. Regardless, Miss Herold makes a very important point, Caelia."

Shame cloaked her when he called her name. "To completely disregard the safety of your teammates and charge into battle on your own was selfish. Now, Saniyah is severely injured."

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