XXVII. Adventures with Valen in Cholla

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Finally over the writer's block! Hooray!


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"Crests are symbols that represent your group. It is your coat of arms. Each of you has formed a group and you will receive a basic coat of arms to represent this group. However, these crests will evolve based on your own achievements and abilities."

"What do you mean?" Caelia said, trying to picture such a thing occurring.

"Miss Ryusen, come."

"During the sorting, the magic flame changed colors in which you were placed into your respective clans, correct?"


"This process allows one to establish connections with the sacred beasts that protect the clan. If you could not establish a connection then you wouldn't be admitted into the academy. This is essentially the true goal of the sorting outside of discovering the element you have the most aptitude for."

Caelia watched the professor remove something from his desk and approach Saniyah.

"Miss Ryusen, if you will."

She held her breath as Saniyah's face went blank and the professor Xander stuck something in the flame.

"Whoa!" She gasped watching the shape of the Phoenix take place. It sat in the center of a shield like sharp consisting of swoops. But, what was strange is that something else was forming within the crest.

"It appears Miss Ryusen, your crest has some individual qualities as well. Crests will also allow people to judge your power levels. So take caution when revealing them."

"This is wild."

"Although you all will possess individual crests, your coat of arms for your group will be the same. It will evolve as well when your experience increases. Now, I want you to separate into your groups. You will spend the rest of this lesson establishing your crests and getting to know your comrades."


"Say Saniyah, what am I supposed to do about Valen?" she grumbled slouching on the table staring at her lunch. They were meeting later tonight and she didn't know what to expect from him. Not only that, her lessons with the Saniyah's father was supposed to start later. After the weird thing with the Phoenix no one wanted to take a chance with her. She didn't even get a chance to unlock her crest. Apparently, Master Ryusen was going to help her do it. Ugh. Why couldn't she be simple? The only bright thing was she going to get her pay. And could finally compensate Ray.

"Don't know. He's strange. But powerful," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Ugh, you're no help. Hey," she mumbled, feeling the heat come back to her face.

"What just say it?"

"Is that offer still on the table?" she mumbled her fingers twitching at her sides before her eyes flickered over toward Saniyah.

"Of course! No worries."

"But why?" Caelia gasped, straightening and staring Saniyah in the eyes. "It's a lot of money."

"For you, perhaps. But for me, I'm just helping out a sister."

"B-but" she whimpered tears welling in her eyes. "People don't do stuff like this just because. They just don't," she said, recalling the looks of derision and disgust. She was something dirty, unclean, and unwanted. Caelia jerk feeling Saniyah's hand land on her head.

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