XXXI. The Old Wise Woman

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First draft.




Exhaling, she stared ahead as her flesh puckered in awareness. "Must be a barrier," she mumbled, looking back and briefly freezing in shock. Master Ryusen, he was gone. It appeared as if she been transported into the dark deep pits of a canyon. Her eyes roamed around taking in the rich brown rocks jutting out of the earth. Further ahead, she spotted floating rocks leading to an archway of some sort. Was that where she needed to go? Her hand brushed the pommel of her sword in reassurance.

"Okay, this needs to be done," she muttered. It would've been nice if Master Ryusen had given her a warning. Instead, he shoved her into the middle of nowhere leaving her to fend for herself. Inhaling deeply, she gave herself a mental shake before proceeding forward. After walking for about fifteen minutes she paused, her eyes flickering around her. This canyon felt like a maze everything looked the same. Stopping, she squatted running her fingers along the rocky ground tracing the crevices until her eyes landed on a black flower.

"Whoa!" she gasped, moving toward it, and stopping centimeters from the plant. The last time she touched something that she wasn't supposed to she turned a rusty sword into dust. But hey! In the end, it became a divine instrument! Hmp! Satisfied with her reasoning, she reached out to grab the three-leafed black flower when a sound carried by the hot wind reached her ears.

"Caelia," the wind hissed. She strained her ears trying to figure out where the sound came from. The rustling of the wind returned and she glanced around at the massive towering cliffs. Being alone, must be making her nervous. She returned her attention to the flower squatting to study it. Reaching out a finger, she touched the smooth petals, freezing in shock when her vision blurred and the canyon faded away. Suddenly, she was thrust into an endless sea where she floated atop the water. Staring into the sky, fear froze her as she witness a darkness spreading across realms and engulfing everything.

"No!" she screamed, reaching out towards the ominous sky. The vision changed showing her an image of Serenity, her caretaker that she'd never seen before. S-she was feeding on the flesh of humans! After sucking something out of them!

"No!" she roared, slamming her eyes shut, but the vision it wouldn't stop. Instead, Serenity and the children, each of them faded away. Sounds of terror escaped as she called out to them. Everyone, they left her. Alone. She didn't want to be alone. She didn't ask for this!

"Stop! Please stop!" she cried, her voice cracking when Cal's form came into mind. He was a part of her! He couldn't leave. He wouldn't! And as he faded away, cries of anguish escaped her. She felt herself fading, slipping underneath the cold cruel sea. The light it was fading, and she with it. What was she fighting for? Was it even worth the effort? The last vestige of air escaped her, and she gave into the darkness devouring the land. This was fate. From the moment people awaken in this life, they were born to die.

Wake up, my child. The sea... it is your home.

Caelia's eyes flew opened and she slammed her hands against the sides of her face, and screamed until her throat was raw. She would not quit! Suddenly, the sea spat her out and she returned to the canyon. However, instead of three petals on the black flower, there were only two. Dusting herself off, she stood and moved away from the flower. She felt a bit woozy as if all her strength had left her. Caelia squinted before plopping down once she put some distance between her and the strange flower. Leaning against the sharp rocks, she rested wiping the remnants of tears in her eyes. Everything had felt so real, and now, she realized that she couldn't live without Cal. She needed him like she needed air. He was truly apart of her. But what did that make Donia? Was she not as important? She felt so cold. Her hand brushed against the pommel of her sword, and she griped it bringing it forward. Folding her legs, she laid the weapon across her lap and stared down at it.

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