XVI. Runes & Rods

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Caelia and Saniyah entered the room located at the end of the corridor. She was used to sharing space due to her time spent at the orphanage; however, she'd always had her own room. It would be slightly a new experience for her.

She smiled at the large queen size beds lying opposite from each other.

"I guess they want us to get our rest," Saniyah spoke into the silent room.

"Yeah. I've never had a bed this big before." She giggled as Saniyah launched herself on one of the beds. "Duck feathers!" she moaned. "I don't think I will ever get up."

"I'm sure the smell of food and new adventures would get you to rise."

"Ha. Maybe for you, but those hot guys would make a dead woman rise from her grave."

"Leave it to you to bring up guys at this point." Caelia collapsed in the only bed available onto her stomach.

Saniyah was right, these were amazingly soft. She felt her sword pressing into her back, she ached to disarm herself, but Ray's warning swam through her mind. She'll leave it on for now and learned to ward others away from picking it up, although the sword was capable of protecting itself.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

Caelia gaze fell upon the beautiful woman sitting at the edge of her bed. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm going to be able to balance it all."

"What do you mean?"

She blushed thinking about Saniyah knowing about her impoverished state. Oh well, she was bound to find out sooner or later.

"I'm working as a stable hand for Master Thane to pay for tuition."

"I can cover it if you want."

Caelia sputtered, "Are you insane. No. I would never. Umm, but thanks for the offer." She stared dumbfounded as Saniyah shrugged her shoulders.

"Well, what do you want to do today? We have all day."

"I'm not sure. I'm contemplating between getting some more sleep rather than exploring."

"Boo! You're no fun. How can you sleep at a time like this?"

How was she to explain the bizarre sorting from earlier, and her out of body experience? She couldn't trust anyone with such information. Not now. She had to wait for Ray.

"Too much excitement?"

"No, how about we finish unpacking and whatnot and then explore."

"Fine." Caelia shrugged giving into Saniyah. She watched as Saniyah unpacked plenty of items. The items were of great quality and looked expensive, her eyes widen at the solid thick gold bangles.


Those could probably feed everyone in the orphanage for a year. Shaking her head, she began to place her clothes into the wardrobe. She ached to let her hair down but she had blades woven into it, before she knew it she'd had every in place and she laid down watching Saniyah.

"Do you ever take that thing off?"


"Your broadsword."

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