XXI. Swollen Bellies pt I

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Serenity gathered the young children in the dining hall for dinner. She loved the children with all she had but lately, she'd been feeling a little weary. Things seemed so bleak since Caelia left for her journey. Even the shadows were more prominent stretching from the dark corners of the orphanage, slowly snuffing out the light.

Noah sat in the corner to himself with his knees drawn up while peering at the other children and people from over them. He'd yet to speak to anyone other than Sammy since Caely left. Strange adults kept coming to the orphanage to meet with Serenity and Noah was terrified that they would want him. He didn't want to leave the orphanage. Something was happening and he couldn't explain it. Ever since Caely left the place seemed dark, dreary and stifling. Serenity no longer smiled and there was a subtle change in her. Not only that, but the people in the trench coats smelled funny.

Noah always thought the orphanage was a strange place. He never liked it. But the girl with the kind golden eyes made him feel safe and kept away the shadows. With her departure, he feared for his safety. He was going to tell Sammy that he could see strange things. Sammy would believe him. They needed to find Caely. Fear shot through Noah as Serenity came through the door. He didn't like her. He never did. Something was wrong with her, but Caely trusted her. He was sure it was a terrible mistake.

"Noah honey, are you hungry?" Serenity asked, looking at the small boy. Since Caelia's departure, he'd regress. He rarely spoke before. But now, she thought him mute. His eyes always seemed dazed and blank. There was nothing she could do about it. Maybe she could write Caelia. She paired Samuel with him to comfort him. She wanted Sam to report any changes to her; it was a tough call for a seven-year-old, but she was worried about Noah. So far, Samuel hadn't reported anything. Hopefully, with Bryn's arrival, he could give her some advice.

Noah merely sat staring unblinkingly at Serenity. He stamped down the fear as something flickered once more in her eyes.

"Useless," the foreign voice hissed from Serenity. He was scared. He wanted Caely. Tonight he was leaving. He was going to find her. Only she could make everything okay. So he sat mute until the day's activities were over and although his small stomach roared with hunger, he refused to eat. Noah was afraid that they were putting something strange in the food. He was starting to worry, for he hadn't seen Sammy yet. He missed the elder boy. Sammy was like Caelia—kind.

"What are you doing here all by yourself?" said the voice Noah been waiting to hear all day. His eyes darted around to make sure no one watched. Once he saw that he was in the clear, he lifted his small index finger to his lips and shushed Sammy. He watched as the older boy gave him a look in confusion.

"Sammy where did you go?"

"Nowhere. Serenity wanted me to meet with a couple. But I think they may be looking for someone younger."

Younger?! Did that mean they wanted him?

"C'mon Noah. Let's go to bed. You need some rest." Sammy held his hand out for him. He placed his hand in Sammy's feeling instantly better. Sammy was so kind and warm. His fear quieted as he followed Sammy upstairs to the room they shared.

Now that Noah was safe in the room that used to be Caelia's he relaxed a little.

"Why don't you like talking to Serenity?" Sammy asked curiously, as studying the five-year-old.

"She's bad Samuel." Noah said, climbing into his bed while his stomach came roaring back to life.

Sam reeled hearing his full name come from the young boy. He'd been feeling uneasy since Caelia left, but he chucked it off to missing her. He wasn't a baby.

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