XXXVI. The Hunt

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"So where is it that were going, sugarplum?"

"Ravana is our final destination. I usually cut through Midmere to get there."

"If you're trying to get there unsuspecting, we should take another route to have the element of surprise," Darius said, deep in thought.

"We can't," she squeaked, her eyes darting around the corridor. What if someone saw them.

"Why don't we move somewhere else? This place is cramping my style," Victoria said blowing on her nails looking unperturbed.

"Vic is right."

"But where?" Caelia asked.

"The stables," Arthur added quietly."

"No!" Caelia exclaimed in fear, anxiety pouring off her in waves.

"Looks like sugarplum and I need to have a talk. Darius, is there any way you could provide us with some coverage?"

"I know a place."


Their group of seven hurried through the corridors toward the Xif dorms with Caelia gasping as she came upon dorms that seemed to be cloaked in the earth.


The columns leading to the entrances seemed thick as two trees and green vegetation cloaked many of the buildings. Darius led them away from the building and towards the dense woods in the back.

"David," he called out, and Caelia watched the green eye man step forward. Both men closed their eyes and her hand darted to her sword when the ground began to shift.

"Look at here! This is some pretty advanced stuff for First years. I expect no less from the sons of warlords," Saniyah grinned.

"What do you mean warlords?" Caelia asked curiously.

"Well, you know how the warriors in the school operate on a rank system. The same can be said for clans. Well, they're more of a hierarchy established based on history and merits."


"Yes, why do you seem so surprised? We have a royal family."

"Yeah, I know that but they live in a different realm."

"Warriors have their own hierarchy which is equal to that of royalty outside the royal family. In this case, I'm speaking of dukes, marquis, etcetera."


"Clan masters are equal to dukes, followed by warlords, generals, commanders, and magnates."

"This is a lot of information to take in."

"You asked for it, sugarplum. You'll learn more at the academy."

"I guess you know so much because you're Master Ryusen's daughter."

"Yep," she said popping the p. "You're the only one in this group of seven that doesn't come from some rich background, which makes you all the more interesting."


"Because you're not trying to curry favor," Victoria added, flicking her hair.


"It a good thing," Darius said, breaking the silence while clamping a hand on her shoulder. Was that supposed to be comforting?

They sank into the earth, underground, and Caelia held in her fear as the ground above them began to close. They descended along the tunnel until they arrived at a massive cave opening, and she blinked owlishly. Who would put a cave underground? Her eyes shifted toward Darius and David. Darius was stoic while David was just quiet. Had he'd ever spoken a word. Her eyes climbed over the cavern walls taking in the large room in the middle with three openings leading to gods knew where.

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