Chapter 1

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*Your POV*
-6 years old-

"Hey!" I shouted.

My friend turned to look at me and smiled, "Hey (Y/N)!"

When I ran up to him he was playing with some of his friends, "Can I play too?"

Before he could reply one of the boys exclaimed, "Ew, I don't want to play with a girl!"

"Yeah, me either!" All the other boys shouted while glaring at me.

I could feel my eyes water, but before I could run away my friend grabbed my hand and looked at the boys, "Fine! Me and (Y/N) will go play by ourselves, and we'll have way more fun without all of you guys!"

I looked at him, "Are you sure?"

He grinned, "Of course, I'd rather spend time with you anyway."

I felt a blush rise to my checks, "Me too."

-16 years old-

"H-Hey (Y/N)?"

I turned to look at my best friend, "Yes?"

"I-I've loved you for a really long t-time now, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked shyly.

I blushed and tackled him into a hug, "Yes! I'd love to!"

He wrapped his arms around me and murmured, "I love you so much (Y/N)."

I smiled against his chest, "I love you too."

-20 years old-

We were eating at a small, but nice restaurant for our four year anniversary when he suddenly got down on one knee.

My breath hitched as he spoke and pulled out a ring, "(Y/N) we've been dating for four years now, and being with you makes me the happiest man alive. Will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

My eyes began to water as I nodded, "Yes. Yes, yes, yes! I'd love to more than anything else in the world!"

He stood up and gently slide the ring onto my finger, then he pulled me into a loving kiss. Happily I kissed him back and I felt him pull me closer as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

When we pulled away from each other we saw that everyone else at the restaurant had stopped eating to watch his marriage proposal. Just as I was about to hide my face in embarrassment everyone began clapping and congratulating us.

He pulled me back into his arms as he grinned from ear to ear, "Thank you (Y/N), thank you so much."

I couldn't help but smile, "No, thank you."

-Several Months Later-
~Day of Wedding~

'Oh no! I'm running late!! He's going to kill me!'

I clutched onto his gift and smiled, 'I hope he'll at least like his present though.'

Suddenly my phone rang and I heard his teasing voice on the other end of the line, "Late again (Y/N)?"

I flushed even though he couldn't see me, "I-I'm so sorry! I promised I'd be on time, but-"

I heard him interrupt me with a chuckle, "Don't worry (Y/N) I told them that the wedding would start at 5:30."

"Huh? But I told you that I'd be there at 4:00...." My face flushed again in embarrassment as I realized what he did.

"You knew I'd be late, didn't you?" I muttered.

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now