Chapter 10

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-6 months later-
*Your POV*

'I can't believe it's already been sixth months since I found Kouen!'

I chuckled to myself, 'That means that I met Sinbad about a year ago, and Tsuki about three years. Wow, time sure does fly.'

"What's so funny?"

I looked over at Kouen, "I was just thinking about how it's been about half a year since I found you again, and how it doesn't feel like it's been that long."

He smiled and took my hand, "You're right about that."

I looked up at the sky and saw the warm colors of the sun begin to fade into the evening sky.

'What a nice sunset.'

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Kouen said as he looked up towards the sky with me.

I nodded, "Yeah..."

We continued our walk home, but it was odd how we didn't see anyone else out since it was such a pleasant evening.

Suddenly I sensed someone behind us.

I tighten my grip on Kouen's hand to get his attention.

He seemed to sense something was off so instead of saying something he just looked at me.

I kept my eyes on the sunset and whispered, "Behind us. Don't look, just listen."

Kouen nodded, then after a short pause he murmured, "I hear them, now what should we do?

I grinned, "I'm an angel, I'll handle it."

"Okay, just don't hurt yourself," Kouen muttered, "And watch your step, sketchy guys like these can be dangerous, okay?"

"I know," Then I made a small gesture to an ally close to his house, "Let's turn here and catch him off guard, besides all the best movie fights are in alleyways."

"No," Kouen scowled, "All the creepiest murders are in alleyways."

I tried not to laugh, "I think we've been watching too many murder mysteries."

"Whatever, just be careful."

"I will." I said reassuringly.

But I began to nervously pick at my necklace again, 'If I don't beat the crap out of this man then Kouen might get hurt too. And if he gets hurt then I'll be a total failure as his guardian angel!'

I took a deep breath and prepared myself, 'No. I won't fail.'

We heard the footsteps getting closer and then I saw a figure turn the corner. Quickly I rushed up to him and thrusted the palm of my hand into his nose and heard a satisfying crack.

The man let out a scream and held his hands over his nose. He fell backwards and I loomed over him, 'Well that was surprisingly easy.'

He looked up at me in fear as I picked him up by the collar of his shirt, "Why were you following us?"

"I-I'm sorry," He quivered, "I was only following orders."

An Angel's Guardian- Kouen x Angel Reader x Sinbad Where stories live. Discover now